Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday Morning Freewrite


83% of BORING Route 66 Virtual Challenge!

Freewrite Fifteen Minutes

Here I go. I spent ALL MORNING preparing for a session with a directee. Then the person was a no-show. The good news is that I can use what I prepared in the future, and I have been meaning to update things on this spiritual practice anyway. Also, I am transitioning my practice to more cross-cultural workers and people from other countries. I also place a high priority on spiritual directors and people from the Order of the Mustard Seed. So I am becoming more specialized.

The directee will not continue because our times together have made the person realize that therapy is in order. I have had this happen in the past too, and I think this is a smart move. Sometimes, people come thinking they need a spiritual director when they really need a good therapist or counselor. That is not my role. 

All that said, I was a bit down. I think there is always that nagging feeling that I did something wrong, and they don't want to meet for that reason. Then I also had something happen with a group I facilitate that I need to process my feelings about. That is what the Examen is for. So after this freewrite, I will process the feelings about that. I felt like someone interfered with some scheduling, and I took it to imply that I had done something wrong by not scheduling it sooner. 

The Examen is so good for that, and I have only gone to the group Examen time once this week in lieu of working on some other projects. 

The good news is that I have about 400 miles left in my Route 66 Virtual Challenge. I have never been more excited about finishing a challenge, and I will NEVER pick this long of one that has NO SCENERY! Part of my joy of doing these challenges has been being able to see new places on the street view on Google Maps, but these street views are SO BORING! I am doing St. Francis Way with Moses (Character #2) on January 1st. So I need to do at least 7.3 miles per day until then. It is going to be hard today as it is POURING down rain!!! I will figure it out though. I am almost to the Colorado River and the border of my last state: California. I have taken this route before as we used to water ski at Lake Mohave all the time growing up. So YAY! 

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