Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday Morning Freewrite

 I have my timer set for 12 minutes. I have a spiritual direction appointment this morning. I postponed by 7 am one because I slept 8 hours last night (after napping in the early evening for 1 hour). That is usually a good indication that I am coming down with something. I have not had a full-blown cold in probably 7-8 years. So, I always like to nip it in the bud and rest. I took some Day Quill, and I feel much better. Still a bit achy in my joints.

I also have an appointment to get my stitches removed at 10:30. So, I will limit my time to 1 hour. I know most directors only have 1-hour appointments, but I am working toward it. After 40+ years of discipling women with a 2-hour appointment, it is so ingrained in me to go longer than the hour. When I do the Spiritual Exercises appointments, it is always 1 hour, but that is because it is just about the Exercises. So there you go.

I do feel better than I did two hours ago. So that is a good thing. I rested all day yesterday. It was probably my lowest exercise day since I broke my leg in 2019. It was weird, but I finished reading two books I have had hanging over my head.

Speaking of books, after getting a book list two weeks ago for my OMS Year of Preparation, and purchasing the books, they changed one of the books. So, I am a bit bummed, and I guess that the majority rules because no one else had received their books yet. Oh well, the book we are reading instead is the "pop" book of the years. I have not read it because my best friend read it, and it is basic stuff that we learned when we were 20 years old, but I realize, for most people, this is all new things to be learning. So, I will go with the majority, and I really need to read it so I can recommend it. 

My time is running out. See you later!

Adding on to my timer for another Monday morning freewrite: 

Back for another round since my freewrite was only 10 minutes. I had my direction appointment. I tried to stop the time at one hour, but it did not work, and we went 25 minutes over. I am going to try to do better next time. This is my number one area of growth as a director. I feel really good about my time with my directees though. It has been SO FULFILLING. It is where I am supposed to be at this stage of my life.

George and I were just laughing about the word: Cymbrogi (pronounced KOOM-bro-gee). It means "fellow countrymen" "companions of the heart."  This is exactly what I have been looking for since it came out as a theme with Mike during his direction through my second time through the Exercises! I do have individual companions of the heart, but I don't have a group who are this way. I would say Kim, George, Debbie are most this way in my life. George and I just laughed because the word is a funny Celtic word, but I love how it just rolls off your tongue: KOOM-bro-gee! I have to have one for my year of preparation through the Order of the Mustard Seed. I have that everyday with George, and I have it at least monthly with Kim, and I could probably have it regularly with Debbie if I just asked, but I don't think I could have them all together. So, I need to ask Scott if that is OK to have three separate people that I would not necessarily be able to gather together. 

I already said earlier this morning that they changed the books, but I found out that the book they changed it to is at the library, and I don't think it is a super popular book. So, I should be able to have a long-term check out of it, and I am sure I could borrow it from Nicole. 

Speaking of Nicole, I had to move our time on Friday because we are saying good-bye to D. She flies out to the Middle East late Friday night. So she is going to have an  open house. I heard from N while I was in my direction appointment. I also heard from my boss who said I did not submit my timesheet, but I checked, and I DID! I am not sure why he thought I did not. 

All that said, I think my biggest stress this morning was getting these stitches out! I think it has been nagging me since Friday, and I felt like a burden to my nurse friends. The guy who did it was so gentle and kind, and I had a wonderful time of breathing through the pain and being in God's presence in the midst of it because a couple of those stitches really hurt to be removed. BUT I felt such relief, and then I felt joy as I used my Jane Austen band-aid to cover up the wound. LOL! So, my somewhat more turbulent morning (because my mornings are super mellow and not stressful about 99.9% of the time). 

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