Thursday, October 08, 2020

Freewrite Fifteen

 I remember in the "olden days" I would set my Flylady timer for my freewrites. Then I found an online timer. Now I have either Siri or Alexa help me out in that area. 

The timer is set for fifteen.

Today I woke up at 5:50 am. I had a time of Centering Breath Prayer. I decided my Breath Prayer would be "My God and my all" for this season of my life. That seems appropriate.

Then I went back once again into Psalm 8 which has been my "go-to" Psalm this week, and it happens to be the one that the "Toolshed" on "reading through the Psalm" connected with the book, How to Pray, that we are reading for Renovare Book Club this fall suggested I mull over. I thought that was cool. 

It also coincides with the Week of Psalm pertaining to Creation that my directees are going through in the Spiritual Exercises. So I have gone through Psalm 8 with four of my directees this week in different ways. Today, I prayed through it with one of them, and that was my favorite way to mull. It has also been nice to read it in The Passion Translation that my directee on Monday told me about. That is nice. 

After this time in the Psalms I had some Examen prayer, and Psalm helped me understand one of my desolations from the previous day (I do my Examen in the morning for the previous day - I just do not do well doing it at night) because the speaker in a four-week seminar I am attending implied that ALL creatures are made in the image of God, and I just don't buy that. I think Psalm 8 says that God made us a little lower than him and that we are to "rule over the works of God's hands" (verse 6). So maybe I misunderstood what she was saying, but that was something I needed to process. I have one more session, but I am not sure I am going to go to the last one. I really like the lady, and it is good to know what some people believe, but I am seeing that only man was made in the image of God. All of creation is wonderful, but they are not bearers of God's image. I cannot see that. Maybe I should contact her privately. I feel a little intimidated asking this in front of all the other attendees. 

I also looked at Psalm 58. That was so pertinent for praying for our election. I have LOVED not watching the news these last two weeks. That was my desolation every day. I am praying. I am informed because I do see highlights now and then that flash up on my screen, but I am not getting sucked into the vortex of news anymore, and that is quite freeing.

After this, I listened to Pray as You Go. It was on the Galatians who had thrown away God's grace for the law. 

This was all followed by a short Centering Prayer time of 10 minutes.

Then, I went for a melding together of it all walk with George before he started his workday. We had a little Examen prayer time together as we walked around the block.

Then, it was off to a podcast interview with Josh Worden. I will put the link here. He wanted to know about my time in Oregon State Women's Basketball and what I have done afterward. So I could talk about my passion for helping people find freedom from physical pain (through Pilates and personal training) and emotional and spiritual pain (through spiritual direction, listening prayer, and understanding their MBTI/Enneagram/DISC). I didn't go into a lot of detail about the personality stuff except the Enneagram, but it was fun.

After this, I jumped into a spiritual direction time for 1 1/2 hour that was life-giving. Directly after that, I had a Centering Prayer time with 30 people from Mercy Center, Burlingame. Then, I went for a reflection walk.

Now I am freewriting and off for a little rest after an eventful morning into the afternoon! 


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