Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Fifteen Minute Freewrite

I have not done a FRIDAY freewrite in a while. I am writing this morning after riding my bike to the library and going to the Volunteer Breakfast. I didn't win a thing this year, but I am so content with that. The prizes were huge, but one year ALL FOUR in our family won a prize. What is the probability of that? I feel like we had enough prizes for a lifetime.

Anywho, I got back at about 10 am and decided to do my hour of writing on Exercises for Everyone, the book I am writing for the Spiritual Exercises. I am writing for week #28 out of 33 or 34 (cannot decide how many total I will do), and it is the week of the crucifixion. I am so moved. How do I convey that, even though this is a very familiar story, it is important to approach it with fresh eyes. I am recalling my dad's death, there was intimacy there with him and with God that I had not experienced any time in my 25 years. Being with Jesus at the cross should be like that. Anywho, I just was moved. Deeply moved by this thought. It was lovely. I wanted to write about it here but words really are, by no means, adequate to describe the experience. I just want others to experience God in a deeper and more intimate way than every before. "Oh the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways" (Romans 11:33). A verse I memorized about 40 years ago, but isn't it so true. We can never totally know God because there is so much to know. 

Tomorrow is the last SEEL Retreat I will attend in Portland. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this with a spiritual director. I wholeheartedly recommend doing it in community. It was great doing it last year by myself, and I still listen to the Online Retreat speakers in addition to the SEEL Portland materials. It has been a great combination. 

We are flooded out here. Highway 34 was closed for a couple of days. I am not sure if it is still closed or not. There is no rain today, and I am hoping the river has peaked. 

My serratus posterior inferior is giving me problems again after about 9 days of being fine since Dr. Myers gave it acupuncture. I am not sure what I did, but I need to quit doing whatever it was that I did! ACK! Margaret Bartlett had a cancellation so I get to see her on Monday. She will have a solution and probably even something I can do to prevent. I really believe it all started with a massage. It was not like the Santa Barbara massage from hell because my back has NOT gone out. It is just tight on one side off and on and has been since the last week of February when I tried out a new LMT. The same thing happened the other time she gave me one. So I am not going back to here. I miss Jennifer who moved back to New York. She was, by far, the best LMT I had every had. :( 

I best get back to writing. It has been such a good journey since January 1st to write everyday for at least one hour. Good discipline. I missed it when I was done with the Bible Book Club writing. 

The men are all up in Portland this evening for Paul's Graphic Design Showcase. I think I am going to stay here even though I really would love to go. I won't see them until later in the evening. 

I have 50 second left on the fifteen minute timer. I will keep going until I hear it go off. What else can I write about? Oh, the sun is peaking out. I already got enough exercise for today but may go for a walk anyway. Kim is coming at noon for a spiritual direction time. YAY!

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...