I am letting my finger tap along the keys, unhindered. I woke up at 4:17, but I fell asleep at 8:15. So that is plenty of sleep for me. I still feel a bit of time difference, but I don't mind getting up so early, and I should be good to go by Sunday. I have sort of taken a break from cardio this week, but I will be back to it by Sunday. I am teaching a class at 4 pm, but I will go and do elliptical beforehand.
It is a lovely quiet summer morning, and I love it. It is going to be an 81 degree day so I think that our family (or at least George and me) is going to go on a little hike. I also might bike to the Farmer's Market with George for our weekly date. I am just seeing light on the horizon this morning with rising at 5:30 am. I love summer.
Today, I hope to finish a book and prepare for my last Renovare Book Club discussion with Andrea and Betty. I like those two women. I am always longing for greater depth. I so wish I could do the Spiritual Exercises Companionship Program with Vicki this year. but I have to believe that your timing was just not "on" in that the ONLY weekend I could not attend out of the five was the first one because of the Nav Reunion. I am glad I made the decision to continue with my commitment with the Reunion because I will get to see Debbie and Patty for extended periods of time, and that will be really, really fun!
The boys seem to be doing really well in their respective jobs, and we will be totally done with the whole dental journey on July 19th! I am rejoicing with so much joy over this. This has been a fifteen year journey when Michael was eleven and we found out he had 12 permanent teeth missing from his mouth. Many, many dollars and multiple surgeries later, we will have two nice sets of smiles.
In addition to seeing Debbie and Patty and all the Navs, I will get to see Jean and LeAnne in July and have a TOAG reunion retreat. But I will also have my final two papers to write for Core II of the Renovare Institute. My praxis paper is already pretty written, but the academic one will be challenging. Fran, my spiritual director, encouraged me to just write a simple paper and put a limit on how much time I put into writing it. Last academic was so much time, and I hardly got any positive encouragement back. That was so discouraging! This started me thinking that the academic side of this Institute was what turned me off. I really thought it would be mostly practical tools for growth rather than so much academic. It really is 80% academic with all the time put into lecture at the Residencies. This is the part that was most disappointing, but to each his own. I think most of the people really love that, and I applaud them for it. I won't be getting a doctorate in Spiritual Formation any time soon, and I will be accepted in the academic spiritual formation realm,. but I am accepted into the God's realm! YAY!
I have one minute left. I love these freewrites. Now it is off to an Examen prayer time for me (and later with George when he wakes up), finishing and prepping for my book club next Tuesday, and reading another unit and taking another quiz for my Women's Fitness Specialist Certification with NASM!
"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well" (The Little Prince by de Saint-Exupéry). One woman's journey to wellness through a well-adjusted heart, well-watered soul, well-educated mind, and well-tuned body. "Love the Lord your God with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND, and with all your STRENGTH" (Mark 12:30-31).
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
Friday Freewrite Fifteen
I think I said in a freewrite earlier in the week that I would freewrite every single day this week, but this is only my second. Oh well. It is a FREEwrite. So I am free to do anything I want.
I did the thing I feared by starting to teach a class at the local health club. It is not like the people at OSU. They are mostly young, and they have to come, so I can see improvement every week if they commit themselves to the program. This group at the health club are an older population, and it is popping in and out. So, it will be interesting to see how it all goes. It is scary to come into a class that has been established with another teacher. It is not classical Pilates. So when I attended the class there was only one exercise that I saw even resembled classical Pilates. So, it will be quite a change for the people who have been going for a long time. We will see how it goes. It is so different from when I took this class so many years ago (12). I go again today, and I am sort of nervous. It is interesting because I was only able to do Pilates one time in France because the hotel rooms were too small. (I guess I could have done it outside in some of the hotels - not sure about that but no mat.) So I was even a bit sore after my class on Wednesday, so I cannot imagine what it was like for some of the people in my class. We will see.
My decision to leave the Renovare Institute has been confirmed over and over again. I had a small group meeting on Wednesday, but someone asked it they could share something right before my time to share. So it was heavy, and I did not think it was appropriate to share my leaving with the group after this. So I guess I chickened out or maybe it also just confirmed that this is not the place for me to grow in the way God created me. I will miss the people, but it is not the right fit for me, and I am glad that I made the decision. So, I know that God will open up the right time to tell people. I did not want to leave after the first residency because so much of my judgment was clouded by pain. But I think I knew on the first day of lectures that it was probably not the right fit for me. But it was good to confirm that after that second residency which was a lot more positive. I have struggled the whole time I have been in it. I do love the reading and praxis exercises though.
Today, I will have my examen prayer time, take a walk, teach my class, talk to Debbie about our upcoming trip, and go on a date with George (maybe a hike since we ate SO MUCH in France that we are trying to cut back). Then the rest of the weekend is free. I am still recovering from jet lag. I thought I was fine, but yesterday was a very tired day, and I gave myself the freedom to just rest. That was hard at first, but then I was fine.
Michael is just leaving for work. Paul is here (we are not sure why he came home other than there was a Blizzard in the freezer waiting for him). George is here working from home today. The Beaver Baseball team won the College World Series for the third time. So funny that people our tour bus were always asking another member about their team and how they were doing, but no one asked us, and our team ended up winning the whole thing! Go figure!
Oh thank you for everything, Lord. I love today already.
I did the thing I feared by starting to teach a class at the local health club. It is not like the people at OSU. They are mostly young, and they have to come, so I can see improvement every week if they commit themselves to the program. This group at the health club are an older population, and it is popping in and out. So, it will be interesting to see how it all goes. It is scary to come into a class that has been established with another teacher. It is not classical Pilates. So when I attended the class there was only one exercise that I saw even resembled classical Pilates. So, it will be quite a change for the people who have been going for a long time. We will see how it goes. It is so different from when I took this class so many years ago (12). I go again today, and I am sort of nervous. It is interesting because I was only able to do Pilates one time in France because the hotel rooms were too small. (I guess I could have done it outside in some of the hotels - not sure about that but no mat.) So I was even a bit sore after my class on Wednesday, so I cannot imagine what it was like for some of the people in my class. We will see.
My decision to leave the Renovare Institute has been confirmed over and over again. I had a small group meeting on Wednesday, but someone asked it they could share something right before my time to share. So it was heavy, and I did not think it was appropriate to share my leaving with the group after this. So I guess I chickened out or maybe it also just confirmed that this is not the place for me to grow in the way God created me. I will miss the people, but it is not the right fit for me, and I am glad that I made the decision. So, I know that God will open up the right time to tell people. I did not want to leave after the first residency because so much of my judgment was clouded by pain. But I think I knew on the first day of lectures that it was probably not the right fit for me. But it was good to confirm that after that second residency which was a lot more positive. I have struggled the whole time I have been in it. I do love the reading and praxis exercises though.
Today, I will have my examen prayer time, take a walk, teach my class, talk to Debbie about our upcoming trip, and go on a date with George (maybe a hike since we ate SO MUCH in France that we are trying to cut back). Then the rest of the weekend is free. I am still recovering from jet lag. I thought I was fine, but yesterday was a very tired day, and I gave myself the freedom to just rest. That was hard at first, but then I was fine.
Michael is just leaving for work. Paul is here (we are not sure why he came home other than there was a Blizzard in the freezer waiting for him). George is here working from home today. The Beaver Baseball team won the College World Series for the third time. So funny that people our tour bus were always asking another member about their team and how they were doing, but no one asked us, and our team ended up winning the whole thing! Go figure!
Oh thank you for everything, Lord. I love today already.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
22. Pocket Paris by Rick Steves
21. What Do You Really Want by Manney

20. Living Wisely with the Church Fathers by Christopher A. Hall
I read this for the Renovare Book Club. It is the last in a series written by this great author. He is an expert in the church fathers, and his series is quite readable. I love the way he deals with contemporary issues in this book. It is very well-written and thorough. Despite its readability, it is still quite academic and will not be everyone's cup of tea.
On a personal note, I have enjoyed two weeks of the Renovare Institute with Chris, and he is a man of upstanding character who walks his talk. This always makes books easier for me to read because I imagine them talking to me as I read.
On a personal note, I have enjoyed two weeks of the Renovare Institute with Chris, and he is a man of upstanding character who walks his talk. This always makes books easier for me to read because I imagine them talking to me as I read.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Monday Fifteen Minute Freewrite: Five Reasons Why It is Not Good To Schedule An Activity on Your First Day
I am going to try to freewrite for fifteen for the next five days.
I spent a good part of the morning (which started at 3 am yesterday because I am on French time) doing a prayer of examen from June 10-24, looking at our trip. It was healthy for me.
I had this goal of having no meltdowns with George, and we laugh because that did not happen, and I got it out of the way on the first day. Note to self: Do not plan a scheduled thing on the first day because . . .
1) You don't know how tired you will be after 17 hours in transit over the top of the earth.
2) You do not know what the weather will be like.
3) You are not yet familiar with the bus/Metro system yet.
4) You cannot be flexible and spontaneous.
5) Your Data plan may not work as well in this new city as it did in London. So you might not know where you are because it is your first day there.
We had thought we might tour the Opera Garnier (20 minute walk from our hotel) before it closed on our first day there. We took a little nap of about fifteen minutes in our hotel and hit the streets, but we quickly discovered that our T-Mobile Data plan did not work with the Orange F plan they had a contract with. So, we had no idea where we were going, and our map was not detailed like GoogleMaps is detailed (and I had starred all our places). So we did manage to sort of find the area of the Opera, but it was no 20 minute walk, and we realized it was already closed. So, we went up to Printemps to see the view of the city from there. It was lovely.
We also realized that we were really hungry (Icelandair is a budget airline and gives you NO FOOD without you buying it). So we ducked into the familiar: An Indian restaurant! That was yummy. Then we used that wi-fi there to find a metro to the Eiffel Tower. As we left, it began to rain, but we had our umbrellas. We had no problem with the Metro, but without GoogleMaps working, we could not figure out which exit from the Metro. But we figured it out and then the RAIN POURED and even our umbrellas were powerless against the rain. But we saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance and walked toward it. We then realized that even though the stairs up were closed (we were going to do the Eiffel Tower stairs the following morning), the line to the elevators had probably evaporated with the downpour, and we were right. NOT ONE PERSON in line! We went right up in an elevator with only five people. It was great! (I hate crowds.) So we were enjoying when I realized we had to catch our boat down the Seine in an hour, and it was 51 minute walk away, and we still needed to get down from the Tower. Our Data worked there, and we realized we could catch the Metro there. When we got down, we could not find the Metro station there so we WALKED/RAN in the pouring rain with just our umbrellas (Note to self: BRING YOUR PONCHOS if it is going to rain a lot). So my meltdown commenced as we asked people where the metro was along the way. One man said we go down some stairs, but we went down and found nothing. So we kept running, and I kept meltdowning more and more. Mad at myself for NOT keeping track of time on the Tower, not writing out direction to get to the Metro from the Eiffel Tower (but we were not going to go our first night there so why would I have done that?), not bringing ponchos, not knowing the bus system. Mad a George for expecting me to know the time, for not knowing how to get to the Metro.
I spent a good part of the morning (which started at 3 am yesterday because I am on French time) doing a prayer of examen from June 10-24, looking at our trip. It was healthy for me.
I had this goal of having no meltdowns with George, and we laugh because that did not happen, and I got it out of the way on the first day. Note to self: Do not plan a scheduled thing on the first day because . . .
1) You don't know how tired you will be after 17 hours in transit over the top of the earth.
2) You do not know what the weather will be like.
3) You are not yet familiar with the bus/Metro system yet.
4) You cannot be flexible and spontaneous.
5) Your Data plan may not work as well in this new city as it did in London. So you might not know where you are because it is your first day there.
We had thought we might tour the Opera Garnier (20 minute walk from our hotel) before it closed on our first day there. We took a little nap of about fifteen minutes in our hotel and hit the streets, but we quickly discovered that our T-Mobile Data plan did not work with the Orange F plan they had a contract with. So, we had no idea where we were going, and our map was not detailed like GoogleMaps is detailed (and I had starred all our places). So we did manage to sort of find the area of the Opera, but it was no 20 minute walk, and we realized it was already closed. So, we went up to Printemps to see the view of the city from there. It was lovely.
We also realized that we were really hungry (Icelandair is a budget airline and gives you NO FOOD without you buying it). So we ducked into the familiar: An Indian restaurant! That was yummy. Then we used that wi-fi there to find a metro to the Eiffel Tower. As we left, it began to rain, but we had our umbrellas. We had no problem with the Metro, but without GoogleMaps working, we could not figure out which exit from the Metro. But we figured it out and then the RAIN POURED and even our umbrellas were powerless against the rain. But we saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance and walked toward it. We then realized that even though the stairs up were closed (we were going to do the Eiffel Tower stairs the following morning), the line to the elevators had probably evaporated with the downpour, and we were right. NOT ONE PERSON in line! We went right up in an elevator with only five people. It was great! (I hate crowds.) So we were enjoying when I realized we had to catch our boat down the Seine in an hour, and it was 51 minute walk away, and we still needed to get down from the Tower. Our Data worked there, and we realized we could catch the Metro there. When we got down, we could not find the Metro station there so we WALKED/RAN in the pouring rain with just our umbrellas (Note to self: BRING YOUR PONCHOS if it is going to rain a lot). So my meltdown commenced as we asked people where the metro was along the way. One man said we go down some stairs, but we went down and found nothing. So we kept running, and I kept meltdowning more and more. Mad at myself for NOT keeping track of time on the Tower, not writing out direction to get to the Metro from the Eiffel Tower (but we were not going to go our first night there so why would I have done that?), not bringing ponchos, not knowing the bus system. Mad a George for expecting me to know the time, for not knowing how to get to the Metro.
Anywho, we are in great shape, and we made it there in much less than 51 minutes and with four minutes to spare. :) It was a great WET ride on top of the boat with the Eiffel Tower sparkling at 10 pm. The city at night was amazing, even in the rain.
15 minutes up.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Fourteen Days of Examen Prayer While in France
I wrote this all when I got home from France and never posted it. I did verbal exam prayer with George daily, but it was fun to review the whole trip when I got home, but this is not very "neat and tidy" as I just did a "France Freewrite! Vulnerable too. Sorry if too frank in France.
I am expressing GRATITUDE for fourteen days since June 10:
Flight attendants giving us seats with more leg room on the way there and back even though Icelandair made a mistake on both 7 1/2 hour legs of the trip.
Really good flight attendants even though Icelandair customer service and seat assignments were bad
NOT being stressed about it on the leg back and even forgetting about it as we waited
Paris in the rain and sun.
Being in "France with Ricky Steves"!
VIP treatment at Normandy Cemetery
Only 1 1/2 meltdowns in Paris and none in the countryside
Recovering wonderfully from both meltdowns - realizing that my phone not working was not going to ruin our time
Forgiving and understanding husband
American Cemetery at Normandy and the sweet English man who escorted us
Lauds at Mt. St. Michel - Magical!
Making crazy videos for my friends
Nice people on the bus - some more memorable than others
Our tour guide CHRIS!
Lunch from the Shaker looking at the Castle of Amboise and sitting along the Loire River
Biking the Velo de Loire
Eighteen strait days together with George
Eiffel Tower at night
Nice beds to sleep in
Beautiful weather
Finding the Poplars at Giverny
Being with us the whole time
Delightful talks
NO back problems the whole time
Only a slight cold
GREAT food! Bourges Beef Bourginon in Burgundy!
Loving my husband
Mt. St. Michel in the sunshine
Learning about Normandy and sobered by the sacrifice and the sacredness of what those men did for the whole continent of Europe. Japan made a big mistake in bombing Pearl Harbor - It woke a sleeping giant
LORD, I could go on and on! Seriously could not believe how lovely it all was.
Flight attendants giving us seats with more leg room on the way there and back even though Icelandair made a mistake on both 7 1/2 hour legs of the trip.
Really good flight attendants even though Icelandair customer service and seat assignments were bad
NOT being stressed about it on the leg back and even forgetting about it as we waited
Paris in the rain and sun.
Being in "France with Ricky Steves"!
VIP treatment at Normandy Cemetery
Only 1 1/2 meltdowns in Paris and none in the countryside
Recovering wonderfully from both meltdowns - realizing that my phone not working was not going to ruin our time
Forgiving and understanding husband
American Cemetery at Normandy and the sweet English man who escorted us
Lauds at Mt. St. Michel - Magical!
Making crazy videos for my friends
Nice people on the bus - some more memorable than others
Our tour guide CHRIS!
Lunch from the Shaker looking at the Castle of Amboise and sitting along the Loire River
Biking the Velo de Loire
Eighteen strait days together with George
Eiffel Tower at night
Nice beds to sleep in
Beautiful weather
Finding the Poplars at Giverny
Being with us the whole time
Delightful talks
NO back problems the whole time
Only a slight cold
GREAT food! Bourges Beef Bourginon in Burgundy!
Loving my husband
Mt. St. Michel in the sunshine
Learning about Normandy and sobered by the sacrifice and the sacredness of what those men did for the whole continent of Europe. Japan made a big mistake in bombing Pearl Harbor - It woke a sleeping giant
LORD, I could go on and on! Seriously could not believe how lovely it all was.
Holy Spirit - fourteen days is a long time to reflect on being in tune or out of tune with you. Please guide me by your heavenly light.
June 10/11
Examen, trip to PDX, Handmaids Tail, Three Billboards, Pele, Iceland, Slept 1-2 hours at the most, landed, taxi to Hotel Beausejour, try to walk to Opera Garnier, lost, Pintemps view, starving so had Indian food (familiar place), Metro to Tracadero and walk over I'lena bridge to see Eiffel Tower, POURING Rain but no line at Eiffel Tower so UP to second floor and realize we don't know where Metro is to get to Vedettes du Pont Neuf so we walk 3 miles in the pouring rain having not brought our great rain ponchos. Meltdown and kicking myself for not being more careful about time (note to self: DO NOT make reservation on the first day and just GO when the weather is better). LOVELY boat ride along the Seine. (Bateux Mouche might be a better choice because it is located next to the Eiffel Tower - but we had committed 20 EUROS already YIKES!). We went by as the ET had lit up. SO LOVELY and worth the hassle and a good story to tell later on.
IN TUNE: Not stressing about no leg room. Relaxing transitions in airport.
OUT OF TUNE: MELTDOWN over not finding the Metro and blaming George and myself for not keeping track of the time when on the ET (don't schedule and buy tickets there even if extra!)
June 12
Wasted the whole morning talking to numerous people at T-Mobile with the Data NOT working properly and having expected that to save us for finding directions to the Metro. Phone battery life terrible and not being able to charge (got wet during our downpour the night before). Going to Apple Opera and finding it NO PROBLEM. Metro conquered! Deciding waiting to help my phone was a waste of time. Let go of having internet and Facebook Live! Opera Garnier! YAY! Beauty. Place de Voges and Victor Hugo GEEK OUT! Savory Crepe GALETTE. Tour Group meeting. Walk up Montmartre to Moulin de la Galette GEEK OUT OF RENOIR PAINTING! Good food. Left group and continued up to Sacre Couer and rain ponchos needed. Walk down to the Picasso's Studio and Moulin Rogue walk by. Back to hotel by walking. Loved our tour guide, Chris!
IN TUNE: Most, adjusting expectations of iPhone (people got along for years without them) Chagall Ceiling - heaven
OUT OF TUNE - Being mad at George when he didn't say enough to the T-Mobile people - immediate repentance. Ack!
Wednesday June 13 - Up and out the door at 8:15 with our group. Candis is warm. Mary is hyper and Chris (tour guide) is GREAT! Historic Paris Walk. Palais of Justice and the Revolution. St. Sulpice windows were divine. Learned History. Walked around outside of Notre Dame. Deportation Memorial. Inside quick line to Notre Dame. St. Louis for Bertollion Ice Cream (divine) walk closed Cluny but saw Roman Baths from outside. Back to Concierge and disappointed that they took away Marie Antoinette's room but good to see her possessions and chapel. Decided against Pantheon because too much walking. Metro to Place de Concorde where the Guillotine was and first glimpse of the Arc d'Triomphe and Champs Elysees. Walked to Orangerie through Tuilerries Garden. Water Lillies were delightful. Then went to Paul's for a picnic lunch in Tuilerres Park. Went to Louvre via shopping mall (no line) at 5:30 but should have waited until 7 pm where it would clear out more. PACKED and I got mad at Geo trying to follow signs to Mona Lisa instead of Rick Steves tour through which is less overwhelming So overhwhelming an lost so we went back to beginning after I calmed down. (Half meltdown).
In tune: The whole day and making good choice to not try to squeeze in Pantheon. Portrait of a Old Man and a Young Boy! We noticed it!
Out of Tune - Louvre meltdown!
Thursday - Turn by turn directions at 1 am and a good Quiet Time with you. 8:45 with Group Metro to Les Halles (food market) not very interesting or the church but used the time in the church to center on You. More interesting in the Halles neighborhoods near Barricades. Caramel �clair amazing. Cheese, fruit ad bread tasting and through Palais Royale Gardens. On our own to go to Army Museum and Napoleon's Tomb and stuffed horse. Really interesting place. Lunch on Rue Cler Café du Marche (Salmon and hearty salad). Walked to Arc to Triomphe and climbed up and met four Malays and helped a man who fell and cut his face. Had band aids from blisters from soggy shoes first night. Went down and watched Tomb of Unknown soldier ceremony before walking down Champs Elysees and seeing Thomas Jefferson's residence. Went later to the Orsay (7-7:30 and not busy at all!) Saw Cezanne, Gaugain, Pissarro, Van Gogh self-portrait. So good. Rodin's Gates of Hell. So perfect. Stayed until closing. Metro home and Little Italy with all the young professionals upstairs. Tiramisu for dessert.
In tune: Everything
Friday, June 15 - Departed Paris at 8 am sharp. Three hours to Burgundy and Guadalon Castle. Tour with Brit Sarah. Perfect to be out of doors. Picnic lunch we ordered ahead. 1 1/2 hours to Bourges Two hour tour with an American married to a French doctor. Really interesting place. Excellent Beef Bourginon for dinner and Kir. Mostly asking Carol and Greg about their lives in Saudi Arabia. For the first time, Carol asked me what I did. That is a lot of CHIT CHAT with people on the tour with no one asking. Interesting Stained glass in the cathedral. Roman Walls. No sound and light show though. Did a Pilates routine (either that night or the next morning) that took the kink out that I got loading my bag on the bus when we left Paris - George carried it from then on)
IN TUNE everything
Saturday, June 16 = 6:45-8:15 walk through the Marshlands (Marais) of Bourges. SO BEAUTIFUL! So worth it because it was nature. Picked up lunch in the market. Then took a BATH! Rushed to pack and get out by 10 even though our bus did not leave until 10:55. Talked to Lisa. Sort of a EGR person. Really a talker and doesn't care to know anything about you. Really sort of sad how she could not stop talking. Off to a Renaissance Faire and Wine and Cheese Tasting and lunch stop at Selles-Sur-Cher Chateau. Lovely Brit gave us a short history (they love Americans because we liberated them). Wine and cheese was delish! Ran into a Protest in Vierzon on the way there and had to detour. Picnic lunch was interesting talking to Scott and Baseball Nancy (both our teams were in the College Baseball playoffs). Renaissance Faire empty because France was playing Australia in the World Cup. Off to Chambord, but we were late due to a detour. Grounds neat and stair case and chapel the rest was cavernous and uninteresting. Arrive late in Amboise and went straight to dinner with Chris and our driver Rudy. Best dinner partners. She had said she taught Yoga on the bus ride that day and I mentioned I was a Pilates Instructor. Instant connection at dinner. Loved her. Rudy's mom is in the hospital. Tried to care for him. Good dinner of veal and George had fish. Feet started to really itch but Chris said pharmacies were closed and gave me Essential Oils and it went away!
IN Tune: Great day. Connection with Chris. Praying she encounters You!
Out of Tune: nothing
Sunday, June 17 - Father's Day but got a bad sore throat in the middle of the night and George got me breakfast while I stayed in bed. We wanted to bike to Chonneanceux but bike shop did not open until 9 am and group left at 8:30. We wanted with them and enjoyed it with minimal crowds and four more Malays! This was my favorite Chateau! My goodness. Glad I watched Reign because it was the home of Henry II mistress Diane. Beautiful in everyway. We biked the afternoon and found no lunch but dessert. So we had a late lunch of many meat and bread and Geo had another brioche (?) at the Shaker Lounge right on the Loire River looking at the Castle. We turned in our bikes and got BIGOT CHOCOLATE (should have gotten some for the boys - we were not thinking and still looking or T-Shirts). Then we rushed back and showered and changed and went back to The Shaker for a Chris' treat to a cocktail hour overlooking the sun setting on the river. Had a nice talk with Jim who was a pilot in Vietnam. Very nice guy. Then we walked over and saw the balloons rising over the River and walked up to view the Loire from above the Chateau but we had better views on our bike ride up up up. Most went out to dinner together but we went to bed.
IN TUNE - Everything
June 14 - Packed a light bag for Mt St Michel and were down for our bus at 8:30. Stopped in Fourgeres for lunch but we toured the town first and then went to a Café that other were already at. We ordered right away and watched the others in the tour really make fools of themselves which frustrated the waitress and gives all Americans a bad name. Anne finally told everyone to sit down. We went to a Galette Kabab place and the Turkish guys gave us free fries because I was nice and said Eid Mubarak. :) Much better than Plait du Jour at a slow restaurant. We were able to have time to see the original gate and more great views. Then we loaded in the bus and went to Mt. St. Michel in the SUNSHINE! Then we walked on the Mudflats! Then we walked some of the ramparts and had the HIGHEST room with a balcony! Heavenly. Then we had a cocktail toast on a larger balcony below and went to a five course dinner. I had the duck, and George the stead which was tough. The dessert was good Peach Melba! George had the Crepe Suzette. Nancy and Scott were pleasant dinner partners who like Richard Rohr. After this we walked the ramparts and met Scott and Mary and finally had a fun conversation. They obviously are very rich - taking two Rick Steves tours a year. We talked about how we met and they actually asked us some things about ourselves! She asked me how I stay in shape and I told her I teach Pilates with no follow up question.
We took a picture of the Mt at night and went to bed. So lovely. Sometime earlier in the day I think I gave Chris my MELT ball and it really helped her ailing knee.
In tune - everything Nature of Mt St. Michel seeing it for the first time
Tuesday, June 19 - Highlight of Lauds at 7-7:30. Monk met us at 6:50 and then shut the door. Up the stairs to see the view. Nuns and monks singing to God and I journaled Psalm 85 while they sang. "Surely His salvation is near to those who reverently ad worshipfully fear Him and is ready to be appropriated that the manifest presence of God and His glory may abide in our land. Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other." We had an hour tour of the Abbey by a French woman, and then we loaded the bus and went to Bayeaux.tissues, green tea and chocolate. Stopped at Ville Dieu de Poelles for Sausage Galettes and a picnic with Normandy treats by the river. Then I got cold medicine, I rested and George got flowers for Uncle Hobarts grave. Then we Went straight to the Bayeux Tapestry late and wished I had wait longer to start as the people in front of me lingered longer than appropriate and I was half a picture behind every time. Eventually they kept going. We thought we were going to the Moulin de la Gallette but went to the place next store for take out and Calvados while we waited and ate by the river and got ice cream. Then we walked home and crashed and were in bed by 7:30 with falling asleep at 9:30. I got eight hours!
IN TUNE everything but being frustrated about the Bayeux tapestry clog.
Wednesday, June 20 - I woke up at 5:38 and lounged in bed until 6:45. Cold better. Time with God. Decided not to do another Rick Steves Tour. Really inappropriate comment by Scott about watching porn in our room. What? YUK! Great education but too much go, go, going. We left at 8:45 to tour Normandy and go the VIP treatment at the cemetery as Taps played. Solemn moment. And tied with Lauds at Mt St Michel. Came home to La Rapierre dinner. A BIG SPLURGE BUT BEST MEAL IN FRANCE BY FAR! Nice wait staff and exceptional Michelin Star quality food. Totally worth the splurge! Asleep by 10:30.
In tune: everything
June 21 - Bus by 8 am. Traveled to Monet's Garden with the house being too claustrophobic and pushy German tourists. French are so much more polite. So beautiful and saw the Poplars from Monet's series. GEEK OUT! We had a long time and got Camembert and Baguette and ate in the garden of the Museum of Impressionism.
Got back by 3:30 and plenty of time to go to the Marmottan. We asked Sue if she wanted to go and she invited Fred and Mary. This is where I sinned because they REALLY GOT ON MY NERVES and acted like big no-it-alls because they have traveled so much and know so much more about everything that they couldn't trust us to know where we were going. So we just followed in line. We broke away from their looking at pictures and Sue just thinks Mary is great, and I am not one to interfere in their bonding. :( We ate an old restaurant that we delish. Had Salmon Tartare and more Crème Brulee. Soo good. We sat with George and Nancy, and they were lovely. She is going to maybe do Spiritual Direction Training, and it was nice to have a bit of fellowship after a dearth for so many days!
Then we went to the Tracadero view at sunset. and the Eiffel Tower was breathtaking and the street vibe was electrifying. We watched the lights twinkle at 11 and walked back to fall in bed.
Friday, June 22 - Waldorf Tracadero was lovely and I lounged in the bathrobe until we packed and met a taxi for the airport. Got there very early but found out we had a cheap ticket and could not check our luggage (cost 88 EUROS per piece!). We ate something an got on the plane, and had the exit row. We barely made the second flight and found no exit row but I should my extra leg room receipt and she moved us to the best seats we have ever had right behind first class with LOTS OF LEG ROOM. I watched the rest of the Handmaids Tale and slept for 3-4 hours total. Then we were the THIRD People through customs with Global Entry! We were on our way to the parking lot and home by 8:30. Laughed and debriefed with the boys and loved it.
IN TUNE everything especially not being anxious about our seats but
OUT OF TUNE getting the stink eye from a girl I accidentally touched while getting back in my seat on the first leg. Gave her the stink eye back (not very Godly behavior - but she didn't see me give her the stink eye because she had already turned).
Asleep by 9:30
June 23 Up by 2 am but had some time to debrief and bed alone before Geo got up. Listened to Monks and had chai tea. Unpacked and researched Normandy battles for Uncle Hobarts memory. Walked for an hour with George and picked cherries before Manar and Jeni and Katherine came. Took Manar to Desi's and Starbucks and talked to Katherine in the car for 45 minutes. Watched the Beavers win and then had dinner as a family. Bed by 9:30 again. Tried to stay up until 10 pm
IN TUNE everything but not getting to my Examen as I had hoped.
Examen, trip to PDX, Handmaids Tail, Three Billboards, Pele, Iceland, Slept 1-2 hours at the most, landed, taxi to Hotel Beausejour, try to walk to Opera Garnier, lost, Pintemps view, starving so had Indian food (familiar place), Metro to Tracadero and walk over I'lena bridge to see Eiffel Tower, POURING Rain but no line at Eiffel Tower so UP to second floor and realize we don't know where Metro is to get to Vedettes du Pont Neuf so we walk 3 miles in the pouring rain having not brought our great rain ponchos. Meltdown and kicking myself for not being more careful about time (note to self: DO NOT make reservation on the first day and just GO when the weather is better). LOVELY boat ride along the Seine. (Bateux Mouche might be a better choice because it is located next to the Eiffel Tower - but we had committed 20 EUROS already YIKES!). We went by as the ET had lit up. SO LOVELY and worth the hassle and a good story to tell later on.
IN TUNE: Not stressing about no leg room. Relaxing transitions in airport.
OUT OF TUNE: MELTDOWN over not finding the Metro and blaming George and myself for not keeping track of the time when on the ET (don't schedule and buy tickets there even if extra!)
June 12
Wasted the whole morning talking to numerous people at T-Mobile with the Data NOT working properly and having expected that to save us for finding directions to the Metro. Phone battery life terrible and not being able to charge (got wet during our downpour the night before). Going to Apple Opera and finding it NO PROBLEM. Metro conquered! Deciding waiting to help my phone was a waste of time. Let go of having internet and Facebook Live! Opera Garnier! YAY! Beauty. Place de Voges and Victor Hugo GEEK OUT! Savory Crepe GALETTE. Tour Group meeting. Walk up Montmartre to Moulin de la Galette GEEK OUT OF RENOIR PAINTING! Good food. Left group and continued up to Sacre Couer and rain ponchos needed. Walk down to the Picasso's Studio and Moulin Rogue walk by. Back to hotel by walking. Loved our tour guide, Chris!
IN TUNE: Most, adjusting expectations of iPhone (people got along for years without them) Chagall Ceiling - heaven
OUT OF TUNE - Being mad at George when he didn't say enough to the T-Mobile people - immediate repentance. Ack!
Wednesday June 13 - Up and out the door at 8:15 with our group. Candis is warm. Mary is hyper and Chris (tour guide) is GREAT! Historic Paris Walk. Palais of Justice and the Revolution. St. Sulpice windows were divine. Learned History. Walked around outside of Notre Dame. Deportation Memorial. Inside quick line to Notre Dame. St. Louis for Bertollion Ice Cream (divine) walk closed Cluny but saw Roman Baths from outside. Back to Concierge and disappointed that they took away Marie Antoinette's room but good to see her possessions and chapel. Decided against Pantheon because too much walking. Metro to Place de Concorde where the Guillotine was and first glimpse of the Arc d'Triomphe and Champs Elysees. Walked to Orangerie through Tuilerries Garden. Water Lillies were delightful. Then went to Paul's for a picnic lunch in Tuilerres Park. Went to Louvre via shopping mall (no line) at 5:30 but should have waited until 7 pm where it would clear out more. PACKED and I got mad at Geo trying to follow signs to Mona Lisa instead of Rick Steves tour through which is less overwhelming So overhwhelming an lost so we went back to beginning after I calmed down. (Half meltdown).
In tune: The whole day and making good choice to not try to squeeze in Pantheon. Portrait of a Old Man and a Young Boy! We noticed it!
Out of Tune - Louvre meltdown!
Thursday - Turn by turn directions at 1 am and a good Quiet Time with you. 8:45 with Group Metro to Les Halles (food market) not very interesting or the church but used the time in the church to center on You. More interesting in the Halles neighborhoods near Barricades. Caramel �clair amazing. Cheese, fruit ad bread tasting and through Palais Royale Gardens. On our own to go to Army Museum and Napoleon's Tomb and stuffed horse. Really interesting place. Lunch on Rue Cler Café du Marche (Salmon and hearty salad). Walked to Arc to Triomphe and climbed up and met four Malays and helped a man who fell and cut his face. Had band aids from blisters from soggy shoes first night. Went down and watched Tomb of Unknown soldier ceremony before walking down Champs Elysees and seeing Thomas Jefferson's residence. Went later to the Orsay (7-7:30 and not busy at all!) Saw Cezanne, Gaugain, Pissarro, Van Gogh self-portrait. So good. Rodin's Gates of Hell. So perfect. Stayed until closing. Metro home and Little Italy with all the young professionals upstairs. Tiramisu for dessert.
In tune: Everything
Friday, June 15 - Departed Paris at 8 am sharp. Three hours to Burgundy and Guadalon Castle. Tour with Brit Sarah. Perfect to be out of doors. Picnic lunch we ordered ahead. 1 1/2 hours to Bourges Two hour tour with an American married to a French doctor. Really interesting place. Excellent Beef Bourginon for dinner and Kir. Mostly asking Carol and Greg about their lives in Saudi Arabia. For the first time, Carol asked me what I did. That is a lot of CHIT CHAT with people on the tour with no one asking. Interesting Stained glass in the cathedral. Roman Walls. No sound and light show though. Did a Pilates routine (either that night or the next morning) that took the kink out that I got loading my bag on the bus when we left Paris - George carried it from then on)
IN TUNE everything
Saturday, June 16 = 6:45-8:15 walk through the Marshlands (Marais) of Bourges. SO BEAUTIFUL! So worth it because it was nature. Picked up lunch in the market. Then took a BATH! Rushed to pack and get out by 10 even though our bus did not leave until 10:55. Talked to Lisa. Sort of a EGR person. Really a talker and doesn't care to know anything about you. Really sort of sad how she could not stop talking. Off to a Renaissance Faire and Wine and Cheese Tasting and lunch stop at Selles-Sur-Cher Chateau. Lovely Brit gave us a short history (they love Americans because we liberated them). Wine and cheese was delish! Ran into a Protest in Vierzon on the way there and had to detour. Picnic lunch was interesting talking to Scott and Baseball Nancy (both our teams were in the College Baseball playoffs). Renaissance Faire empty because France was playing Australia in the World Cup. Off to Chambord, but we were late due to a detour. Grounds neat and stair case and chapel the rest was cavernous and uninteresting. Arrive late in Amboise and went straight to dinner with Chris and our driver Rudy. Best dinner partners. She had said she taught Yoga on the bus ride that day and I mentioned I was a Pilates Instructor. Instant connection at dinner. Loved her. Rudy's mom is in the hospital. Tried to care for him. Good dinner of veal and George had fish. Feet started to really itch but Chris said pharmacies were closed and gave me Essential Oils and it went away!
IN Tune: Great day. Connection with Chris. Praying she encounters You!
Out of Tune: nothing
Sunday, June 17 - Father's Day but got a bad sore throat in the middle of the night and George got me breakfast while I stayed in bed. We wanted to bike to Chonneanceux but bike shop did not open until 9 am and group left at 8:30. We wanted with them and enjoyed it with minimal crowds and four more Malays! This was my favorite Chateau! My goodness. Glad I watched Reign because it was the home of Henry II mistress Diane. Beautiful in everyway. We biked the afternoon and found no lunch but dessert. So we had a late lunch of many meat and bread and Geo had another brioche (?) at the Shaker Lounge right on the Loire River looking at the Castle. We turned in our bikes and got BIGOT CHOCOLATE (should have gotten some for the boys - we were not thinking and still looking or T-Shirts). Then we rushed back and showered and changed and went back to The Shaker for a Chris' treat to a cocktail hour overlooking the sun setting on the river. Had a nice talk with Jim who was a pilot in Vietnam. Very nice guy. Then we walked over and saw the balloons rising over the River and walked up to view the Loire from above the Chateau but we had better views on our bike ride up up up. Most went out to dinner together but we went to bed.
IN TUNE - Everything
June 14 - Packed a light bag for Mt St Michel and were down for our bus at 8:30. Stopped in Fourgeres for lunch but we toured the town first and then went to a Café that other were already at. We ordered right away and watched the others in the tour really make fools of themselves which frustrated the waitress and gives all Americans a bad name. Anne finally told everyone to sit down. We went to a Galette Kabab place and the Turkish guys gave us free fries because I was nice and said Eid Mubarak. :) Much better than Plait du Jour at a slow restaurant. We were able to have time to see the original gate and more great views. Then we loaded in the bus and went to Mt. St. Michel in the SUNSHINE! Then we walked on the Mudflats! Then we walked some of the ramparts and had the HIGHEST room with a balcony! Heavenly. Then we had a cocktail toast on a larger balcony below and went to a five course dinner. I had the duck, and George the stead which was tough. The dessert was good Peach Melba! George had the Crepe Suzette. Nancy and Scott were pleasant dinner partners who like Richard Rohr. After this we walked the ramparts and met Scott and Mary and finally had a fun conversation. They obviously are very rich - taking two Rick Steves tours a year. We talked about how we met and they actually asked us some things about ourselves! She asked me how I stay in shape and I told her I teach Pilates with no follow up question.
We took a picture of the Mt at night and went to bed. So lovely. Sometime earlier in the day I think I gave Chris my MELT ball and it really helped her ailing knee.
In tune - everything Nature of Mt St. Michel seeing it for the first time
Tuesday, June 19 - Highlight of Lauds at 7-7:30. Monk met us at 6:50 and then shut the door. Up the stairs to see the view. Nuns and monks singing to God and I journaled Psalm 85 while they sang. "Surely His salvation is near to those who reverently ad worshipfully fear Him and is ready to be appropriated that the manifest presence of God and His glory may abide in our land. Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other." We had an hour tour of the Abbey by a French woman, and then we loaded the bus and went to Bayeaux.tissues, green tea and chocolate. Stopped at Ville Dieu de Poelles for Sausage Galettes and a picnic with Normandy treats by the river. Then I got cold medicine, I rested and George got flowers for Uncle Hobarts grave. Then we Went straight to the Bayeux Tapestry late and wished I had wait longer to start as the people in front of me lingered longer than appropriate and I was half a picture behind every time. Eventually they kept going. We thought we were going to the Moulin de la Gallette but went to the place next store for take out and Calvados while we waited and ate by the river and got ice cream. Then we walked home and crashed and were in bed by 7:30 with falling asleep at 9:30. I got eight hours!
IN TUNE everything but being frustrated about the Bayeux tapestry clog.
Wednesday, June 20 - I woke up at 5:38 and lounged in bed until 6:45. Cold better. Time with God. Decided not to do another Rick Steves Tour. Really inappropriate comment by Scott about watching porn in our room. What? YUK! Great education but too much go, go, going. We left at 8:45 to tour Normandy and go the VIP treatment at the cemetery as Taps played. Solemn moment. And tied with Lauds at Mt St Michel. Came home to La Rapierre dinner. A BIG SPLURGE BUT BEST MEAL IN FRANCE BY FAR! Nice wait staff and exceptional Michelin Star quality food. Totally worth the splurge! Asleep by 10:30.
In tune: everything
June 21 - Bus by 8 am. Traveled to Monet's Garden with the house being too claustrophobic and pushy German tourists. French are so much more polite. So beautiful and saw the Poplars from Monet's series. GEEK OUT! We had a long time and got Camembert and Baguette and ate in the garden of the Museum of Impressionism.
Got back by 3:30 and plenty of time to go to the Marmottan. We asked Sue if she wanted to go and she invited Fred and Mary. This is where I sinned because they REALLY GOT ON MY NERVES and acted like big no-it-alls because they have traveled so much and know so much more about everything that they couldn't trust us to know where we were going. So we just followed in line. We broke away from their looking at pictures and Sue just thinks Mary is great, and I am not one to interfere in their bonding. :( We ate an old restaurant that we delish. Had Salmon Tartare and more Crème Brulee. Soo good. We sat with George and Nancy, and they were lovely. She is going to maybe do Spiritual Direction Training, and it was nice to have a bit of fellowship after a dearth for so many days!
Then we went to the Tracadero view at sunset. and the Eiffel Tower was breathtaking and the street vibe was electrifying. We watched the lights twinkle at 11 and walked back to fall in bed.
Friday, June 22 - Waldorf Tracadero was lovely and I lounged in the bathrobe until we packed and met a taxi for the airport. Got there very early but found out we had a cheap ticket and could not check our luggage (cost 88 EUROS per piece!). We ate something an got on the plane, and had the exit row. We barely made the second flight and found no exit row but I should my extra leg room receipt and she moved us to the best seats we have ever had right behind first class with LOTS OF LEG ROOM. I watched the rest of the Handmaids Tale and slept for 3-4 hours total. Then we were the THIRD People through customs with Global Entry! We were on our way to the parking lot and home by 8:30. Laughed and debriefed with the boys and loved it.
IN TUNE everything especially not being anxious about our seats but
OUT OF TUNE getting the stink eye from a girl I accidentally touched while getting back in my seat on the first leg. Gave her the stink eye back (not very Godly behavior - but she didn't see me give her the stink eye because she had already turned).
Asleep by 9:30
June 23 Up by 2 am but had some time to debrief and bed alone before Geo got up. Listened to Monks and had chai tea. Unpacked and researched Normandy battles for Uncle Hobarts memory. Walked for an hour with George and picked cherries before Manar and Jeni and Katherine came. Took Manar to Desi's and Starbucks and talked to Katherine in the car for 45 minutes. Watched the Beavers win and then had dinner as a family. Bed by 9:30 again. Tried to stay up until 10 pm
IN TUNE everything but not getting to my Examen as I had hoped.
Saturday, June 09, 2018
19. The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey To Self-Discovery
Friday, June 01, 2018
13. The Transforming Friendship by Weatherhead

(It is short, but I lost it for a while and just recently found it so this review is long overdue!)
18. Rick Steves Paris 2018

Addition: We took our trip to Paris, and this book was invaluable. What is so funny is that we saw, on average, about four people each day with the Paris or France book in had throughout France. LOL!
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