Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Day So Far

5:20 Get up and make sandwiches for the guys as they go to do farmwork
5:40 Say goodbye and make chai and listen to Mere Christianity
5:40 - 7:25 Bible Book Club posting 1 Samuel and Psalms
7:25 - 7:45 Straighten out my DropBox (some broken links and no icon that links to webpage - lost in computer reboot with Staples due to virus?)
7:45-8:15 Shower and dress (listen to Mere Christianity then Worship) and talk to George

Ate: 2 cups fat-free milk and 2 TB whipped cream

Off to upload BodyBugg

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...