Friday, July 04, 2014

27. 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

I was flat on my back because of a sprained ankle and my computer spent all week in the hospital with a virus. So I read a lot this week. After two books about the bin Laden family, I was due for something a bit more lighthearted. This did the trick!

I wish I could remember why I looked for this one at the library. My brain sometimes goes off on little tangents. I had seen this movie because many in my learning community (The Trapdoor Society) LOVE it, but I was bored to tears. Oh, now I remember why I wanted to read it: I am going to London next year, and I saw "Charing Cross" on my map as I was planning one of our walking routes. So, I looked up the history of the building and thought I would give the BOOK a try (since the book is usually better than the movie). 

The book is charming and touching and everything in between. I loved Helene Hanff's sense of humor. I need to watch the movie again, but sadly, my library did not pick up the DVD when it switched everything from video to DVD, and I do not want to have to pay to watch it. Maybe I will request the library get it since it is considered by some as a classic with Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins! 

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