Saturday, April 02, 2011

Today is the Day!

It is 6 am on the day of the race. I know that I will feel much better when it is all over in about five hours, but right now, I am so nervous!  There are pluses and minus to a later start time. One of the pluses and some time to spend with God this morning and stretch my back out. I can also run through my talk one or two times and make sure I am hydrated well.

The minus is that I have to WAIT longer for it to all be over!  I would be done by 9:30 am if I had early start times like the rest of the ladies!  I would also have more time to rehydrate, cool down, and stretch before I got in the car to go to the coast.

I think I like having this extra time.  It would be much different if I could just go home and chill the rest of the day, but I will be at the coast with 80 women!  I will giving my talk in 27 1/2 hours. I am really going to come home and RELAX on Sunday night. I'll go to the chiropractor and massage therapist on Monday and start my taxes!  I am determined to get those done next week so I can have the week prior to JIQ to really prepare for three days of intensity with people. :)

Life is about waiting.  Isn't it? I told George that I was really glad that I did this talk. It is different. When I do Personality Type and Spiritual Gifts, I am not nervous. I can do it without thinking, but this is so different. It is so much more personal for me, and I have to tailor it for this group. I can redo this talk over and over again like I do for those. It is harder to prepare for, but it has been really rewarding for me to look back and see all the promises that You have given me as I wait!

So, let the weekend begin! Praying my back cooperates today after a scary and stupid putting of a box in a freezer that tweeked my back!!!!  Silly me. I think I am OK though because I was already scheduled to see the chiropractor anyway.

Lord, please run through me. Flow through me. Swimming for You. Biking for You. Running for You!

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