Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday Freewrite

Monday was so nice because I got an extra day with George. YAY! I was sad that he was sick, but it was so nice, and it makes us both realize that he needs to come back home. I cannot believe it has been seven years in May. He has loved his job until this recent change. So we are praying for a miracle job close by.

He rested all day, and we went up to Portland for our Type One Enneagram panel. It was amazing how the energy went down after the energy of the Type Three panel two weeks ago! He still wasn't feeling very well. So that also was another reason why it was possibly more subdued. 

I really have loved sitting next to Amy these last two weeks. She is quieter, but she is a Type One, and it has been helpful to get her healthier insights. Her husband will be on the panel for the Type Seven. That will be so nice to hear.  Overall, I think this class has been so helpful for me.

Tuesday in class was a quick class with bands and the other one was an advanced class where we did the high scissors, bicycle, boomerang, compound back exercises, front support, sidekicks to teasers flow, etc. I am even a little sore today! That is very good for me to be sore. I am sure my students were worked harder because of it. 

I am almost ready to teach my Instinctual Variants class. I decided to bring flat page visuals instead of props since I am coming over on a plane and do not want the extra weight. I might bring a few small things. Today will be my day to get all my visuals in order. Then I will practice it.

I am back to reading Proust. After reading Dickens, I realize that classical literature is really where it is at for me. Proust is more difficult than Dickens. So, I broke down and got the next two volumes on audiobook. Audible had a free trial for Prime Members where I got two books. I will probably cancel after 30 days or I may buy the other books (I think there are two more after this) to finish out the whole 3000+ page tome! I had a survey of 125 authors who listed the top 10 books they love, and Proust was the only one I had not finished reading. So, here I go! I made homemade lemon curd (found the perfect Martha Stewart stovetop recipe - tried the microwave one, and it failed every time) and listened to Proust yesterday. 

1) Finish prep for the Instinctual Variant teaching
2) Upload Summary Reflection and Contemplative Reflection Form to Box for Boise Cohort
3) Have another "Moment" in Moment by Moment: A Retreat in Everyday Life.
4) Do wash
5) Read Proust while on a walk
6) Eat responsibly and not compulsively. It is Lent of no sweets.
7) Go to Matthew's Court of Honor for Scouts
8) Watch Survivor
9) Prepare for Bender Ball class teaching (Big Balls for Pilates II)
10) Correct Extra Credit Papers
11) Prepare Marge's next Spiritual Exercises 
12) Schedule (and maybe see) Cammie for Spiritual Direction
13) Keep house picked up and clean (wipe down bathrooms and sweep kitchen floor) 
14) Read Interior Castle (maybe even finish it) 
15) Finish this freewrite FIFTEEN at #15 on my list. The timer is going off! 

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