Sunday, February 02, 2020

Sunday Sixteen Freewrite

I am surprised I didn't freewrite yesterday as I woke up very early. I did a lot of journaling though. So that is a similar thing. 

Yesterday was a meditation on the Three Degrees of Humility or Three Ways of Loving in the Exercises. I meditated on Mark 12 and loving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. They are the verses that are at the top of this blog. They are my life's intention. The third degree of humility is union and communion with Jesus. As I meditated THIS morning on Philippians 2, I realize that this means emptying myself of all vestiges of honor. Jesus was GOD, by golly. Yet, he emptied himself to become a slave and to death on a cross for the sins of the whole human race. In the process, he forgave them for they knew not what they were doing by pinning God to a cross. Later on in Philippians, Paul talks about knowing him being attached to the "fellowship of his suffering" (Phil 3:10-14). We (I) often don't want that part of the bargain. 

Everyone told me how well I responded to the suffering of my broken leg. I usually respond to physical suffering much better than emotional. That is the hard part. I realized that in my emotional suffering I had caregivers just like I did with my broken leg. Cammie was triage and original diagnosis. Carol was the deeper surgery of listening prayer. Joan was the start of rehab. In between, people like George, Nancy, Kim, Paul, and countless others brought me ice to reduce the swelling of the blow as I elevated and rested my soul.  My leg still swells today, and my soul swells every once in a while too. But I have been putting weight and walking in the light. I am OK. Hearts/Souls take time to heal. 

As I walked and listened to Pray as You Go and the Jesus' presentation in the temple, I was challenged to put myself in Simeon's shoes and imagine what it would be like to have lifelong hope and waiting for the hope fulfilled like that. It was an awesome time walking around the schoolyard and praying. 

Then George and I went on a date. We breakfasted and talked about what God is saying to us. We have hope that he will be able to come back here during the week. It will seven years in May since he has been commuting and living with his mom. I am so glad that she has had that time with her son. This latest trauma made us realize that it would be nice to be physically present for each other though. We have done well with all of this because we are so healthy and strong as a couple, but I have hope that he can return to being at home again. 

I also have hopes for a job for Michael. Those were all the things I prayed about and talked with George yesterday. 

Sixteen minutes done. 

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