Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday Morning Freewrite

I will be leaving for Hillsboro in 45 minutes, but I will just have a quick freewrite this morning. Then I will be ready to get to work at the library up there. I have the room for most of the day with a 1-hour break that I will use to walk to Costco and back and get a salad for our dinner. We have the Type 3 panel at PSU tonight. So that should be good since it is one of my wings and George's heart connection point. I need to print off the Type 3 sheet. I don't remember getting it, but I am sure that I did.

This morning, my meditation was on "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I have quoted Prompts for Prayerwalkers in the manual I wrote Exercises for Everyone. (If you are reading this and want a copy, I am always looking for people who would like to test drive this manual. Contact me.) I am looking forward to prayer walking during the Seek God for the City time between February 23 and Palm Sunday. I am not sure I will go to the prayer times with the pastors though. 

Yesterday was eye-opening for me. I spent a good chunk of the weekend going down memory lane at my university with other basketball alumni. It was lovely, but I have to say that the most life-giving part of my weekend was missing the game on Friday to go to N's dinner and talk about her work in Central Asia (praying over her and then talking with her aunt about spiritual direction afterward), doing bible study with T in Central Asia over WhatsApp on both Saturday and Sunday, and talking via WhatsApp with J about his desires to see God's kingdom come to his city in Asia. That is where my heartbeat lies and what has been most life-giving to me throughout my life.  Sometimes I feel so funny when I am in that world of sports. I always have, but I feel so "in the groove" when it comes to kingdom things. So that was helpful to do an examen this morning to figure that out.

Speaking of the Examen, Carey gave a talk on confession, and she gave an example of the Examen to the whole congregation. Come to think of it, that was life-giving too. :) 

I love my old coach and teammates (only one was there this time as compared to many more last year - I guess the ones I know better were there on Friday night, and I was at N's thing) though. I pray for your kingdom to come to OSU WBB! 

What I am looking forward to today:

1) Drive up to Hillsboro with George
2) Working on my workshop on the instincts
3) Talking with Marty
4) Walking in Dawson Creek
5) Listening to Dombey and Sons
6) Going to the Type Three panel
7) Finishing up correcting the Cognitive Learning Assignments
8) Organizing my Pilates Props notes. 

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