Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday Examen Freewrite

I pray for light on my day. Help me to see it through your eyes.

Things I am grateful for:

  • Warmer temperatures for a nice walk 
  • Getting through many things I needed to do
  • Sitting with a directee and seeing her load lightened on this journey
  • Matthew's Court of Honor - Boy Scouts have a beautiful ceremony.
Morning - I meditated in Moment 8 BLINDED BY SIN. Sin is never a fun subject, but it was so life-giving. When we realize our blindness, then Jesus can come and heal that. I started a load of wash.  Ate responsibly. Did my Summary Reflection and chose my Contempletative Reflection and Dialogue for the Boise Cohort. Went to print out the copies for my observers, and I was out of ink. So I went to the store and then stopped and got a quick pedicure as I read Interior Castle and You Are What You Love notes in preparation for Boise Cohort. Printed dialogue and CRFs for Boise. Scheduled impromptu spiritual direction appointment for 2:30pm. Folded wash load and went for a walk listening to The Guermantes Way. I wrote Cammie about spiritual direction, but she could not meet so I scheduled something with Sister Joan for Monday. 

Mid-day - Graded extra credit papers. Picked up the house, swept kitchen, cleaned bathrooms. Put in another load of laundry Worked on Marge's weeks of the 18th annotation. 

Afternoon - 3  1/2 hour spiritual direction/listening prayer session. I watched part of The Five evaluation of the debate. Paul finished up the second load, and it was waiting for me when I got out of direction. Folded it and got dressed for . . . 

Evening - I went to Matthew Court of Honor and ate dessert (forgetting I was giving up sweets for Lent - oh my). Paul had taken my car to work. So I dropped it back off at his work and walked 12 minutes back home and closed my Exercise Ring. Watched Survivor. Moment 9 - The Lesson of Death. Worked a bit on Marge's remaining exercises. 

Bed at 11:15pm

Regret - Not keeping a reign on my eating in the evening with dessert. Sarah and I shared a slice of cheesecake so it was small. I just forgot to skip it. 

Life-giving - It was good to drop everything and have a session. I did not get to my Bender Ball prep and finishing up my Instinctual Variants talk, but this was way more important, and it is life-giving to me and most meaningful to sit soul-to-soul with someone. Much more important than tasks, but I realize I need to balance that because I have tasks that need to get done. Actually, I think I am pretty good at balancing those things. It was a life-giving day of integrated my instincts! :) So I may not have gotten the talk done, I lived the talk, and that is very life-giving!

Today I will do a Bender Ball class for the first hour (so I will prepare this morning since I did not get to it last night) and Big Ball class for the second hour. Then I will bike home and finish that class! I also have Book Babes and can walk to that since it is two streets up from me! 

YESTERDAY I got all these things on my list done:

2) Upload Summary Reflection and Contemplative Reflection Form to Box for Boise Cohort
3) Have another "Moment" in Moment by Moment: A Retreat in Everyday Life.
4) Do wash
5) Read Proust while on a walk
6) Eat responsibly and not compulsively. It is Lent of no sweets. (just forgot about the sweets)
7) Go to Matthew's Court of Honor for Scouts
8) Watch Survivor
10) Correct Extra Credit Papers
11) Prepare Marge's next Spiritual Exercises 
12) Schedule (and maybe see) Cammie for Spiritual Direction
13) Keep house picked up and clean (wipe down bathrooms and sweep kitchen floor) 
14) Read Interior Castle (maybe even finish it) 
15) Finish this freewrite FIFTEEN at #15 on my list. The timer is going off! 

Not done:
1) Finish prep for the Instinctual Variant teaching
9) Prepare for Bender Ball class teaching (Big Balls for Pilates II)

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