Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Morning Freewrite Examen

Review of Tuesday 

Three things I a Grateful For:
1) Teaching at OSU - I know I keep on saying this, but I LOVE my job. I LOVE my students. I LOVE my coworkers. It is just a positive and uplifting environment all the way around.
2) Exercising and getting paid for it - I love taking care of my body and also helping people. The soreness feels so good this morning.
3) Reading the Interior Castle last night instead of just vegging in front of the TV
4) Not overeating!

Where did you see God?

At the beginning of the day - I saw him in my meditation in Scripture. I was focusing again on "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." 

Later morning - Riding my bike. It is so fun to not have to stop at Stop signs anymore :). It was crisp but fun to ride. Fun to teach students that laugh at my jokes (at least Pilates I students do). 

Middle of the day - Remembered to pray "Thy Kingdom come" in the middle of my weight lifting class instead of focusing on my leg feeling weird and "tweaking." Entered into his presence in the midst of that.  Rode my bike back.

Afternoon - Really tired! Tuesdays are the biggest day, but I did not overeat! That is where I was protected by the power of God. I did watch a bit of mindless TV and rested. I also read Cat's Eyes and Dombey and Son. 

Evening - Read Interior Castle and read the study guide and article by Dallas Willard that goes along with it. Connected with his presence in the midst of it. I really like the book so far, and this was God's prompting when I first got up Tuesday morning. I watch some New Hampshire primary news and George came home and we debriefed his council meeting. 

End of the Day - I tried to watch Downton Abbey but could not keep my eyes open. I was asleep before 10pm (and had fun dreams of being on a cruise with all the fun people on cruises in the past). 

Regret - Watching more mindless TV than I would like to. Also, I had a negative thought about someone who hurt me (want to nip these in the bud since I am so OVER that situation that happened - dealt with the hurt, had surgery, now in rehabilitation). I acknowledge this, ask for forgiveness, and ask for the grace to do better in the future. 

The most meaningful part of the day - Probably reading Interior Castle and having another overwhelming connection with the presence of God at my dining room table. It felt so good to 1) not watch TV and 2) to not overeat! 

What do you want me to know about this?

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
And you will find rest for your souls. 
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

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