Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Freewrite Fifteen

I had to set my Alexa timer twice because she heard me say 50 minutes instead of 15. So, here I go.

I know I have not been doing as many freewrites because of my "first thing in the morning" daily Morning Pages. That is three notebook-size paper pages every morning first thing (or at least after I make my chai). That has been so helpful for me. But my freewrite habit (I think it has been between 20 and 25 years since I have been freewriting) has not been as consistent. Basically Morning Pages are a freewrite on steroids. :) It usually takes me about 35-40 minutes. Since I finished the book that Julia Cameron has on the market, I decided to save trees by writing my Morning Pages on my Kindle Scribe (have I ever written how much I LOVE that thing - I find it much easier to write on than the ReMarkable - I got the ReMarkable - twice as much money - but it just didn't write like paper. So George got me a Scribe for Christmas, and I find it much more like writing on paper). I do six pages on that thing which is about 90 words less than three notebook-sized pages. 

I am excited because there is someone I have been in meetings with, and God laid on my heart to pray some specific things for that person.  I was in another meeting with them, and they said God had spoken to them two days prior about the exact thing I had been praying about. How is that for an awesome God? I love how he always connects the dots for us. Continuing to pray for them. They are uber-capable and talented. They are just young.

I had my Campfire yesterday, and I was a bit embarrassed by all the affirmation I got from people in the group. I was not sure how to respond. They were very sweet affirmations, and I am very grateful for it. It was just embarrassing, and I wanted to move on. They are such a special group. I really love them all.

I also really love all the directees I am meeting with this year. Some are temporary because they are just meeting with me while they are in training for direction, in the 2HC, doing the Exercises, or taking the Primer for Spiritual Formation with Sustainable Faith (which I have heard is excellent, by the way. Sustainable Faith really has so much to offer. I will link it after this freewrite).

I also really like the people I "collaborate" with these days. I always get to the collaboration station in the 2nd Half Collaborative and think "I am not collaborating with anybody." Then I start thinking more deeply about it, and I am! One is with the 2nd Half Collaborative! LOL! I am not part of the leadership team, but that is OK. I am just leading a Campfire group, doing direction with one of the participants, and helping out with the three retreats, but that is OK that I am not invited to collaborate with the leadership. I like what I do.

I also love collaborating with Marty and Sandy in this Sustainable Faith Training Cohort. I will not continue with Sustainable Faith after this (there was a miscommunication, and they are not taking on new trainers), but I am grateful for the experience of collaborating with them with this great group of 13 future spiritual directors. They are a fabulous group of people from all walks of life. I feel so privileged to be a part of (which reminds me - I need to do the affirmations and send them back to Marty - I wonder when the deadline is - I am not good at taking in mail and doing something about it - I don't even know where those cards are - hopeless - one of my directees - who is also a spiritual director said, "Carol, I am not good at all the administration stuff that comes with spiritual direction, but I think I am better than you." LOL! It is so true, and it does not hurt my feelings to have her say that, at all.)

Today is pretty open. Because of my back, I had to reschedule a directee for today at 2 pm, but I don't have anything until I go to teach my Pilates class at 10:30. I will stay for Cardio Dance and get back at 1:30 in time to shower for my directee appointment. Then, if I am still up for it, I will go for a walk with a friend who is struggling. Then, it is a FREE FAMILY WEEKEND. Michael is coming home. We may do sushi as we all love that.

It should be 15 minutes by now, but I will keep typing. OH, THERE IT IS. It is so weird how I know when 15 minutes is up. 

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