Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Freewrite Fifteen for a Tuesday

I am off and running with my fingers clatttering on the keys. I will not stop until the fifteen-minute timer goes off.

I always say I will do more of these in the New Year, and I end up doing about the same. Maybe I should make it an everyday thing. Fifteen minutes, ready set go. I tried "Morning Pages" from The Artist's Way, but I didn't mind writing it out so much as all the paper it generated and the storage that would ensue. Maybe I should "cheat" and just do the six morning pages on my blog. 

Blogs are so outdated now, but I don't freewrite so people will read what I wrote, but my analytics say that people actually do. I think that is fine, but I am not out to make a name for myself. I have learned that about me. I just do things like this to document my life, the things I am thinking, a moment in time. I review books, and I am so glad that I do because when I was reviewing books for the Body and Soul Companioning Course (I like the Course because it goes with Companion, but I could say Body and Soul Spiritual Direction Training too. Should I use Thinkific? I will - they allow one free course, and this will probably be it. Andrew is such a source of great information!), and my reviews from several years ago confirmed some things. I had a "meh" reaction to one that everybody puts in their curriculums, and I looked back on my review from 5+ years ago, and it was "meh" then too. People can read it on their own after the training.

So, yes, I am going to start a course in the fall of 2024. Long story short: I did discernment with M and S for their organization's training, but there was a miscommunication, and they are not adding new trainers. I had already committed to "shadowing" M & S (which is not hard because I really love them and their training style). So, I had the option of starting my own. I like that because 1) I can add things that I really think are important but not in their program, 2) I can do my version of the Enneagram (which is weak in their program), 3) I can select books that align with my values, 4) I can charge less because there is no organizational overhead, and 5) I can keep it small and personal.

There was a 6th, but I forgot what it was. Boy, it really is nice to type all this stuff out to get my thinking going. 

Today, I purchased my devotional material for the years. The "Contemplative Life Program" from Contemplative Outreach. I was in the "Meditation Chapel" this morning (I did not even know it existed until Sunday when someone in my Corvallis Centering Prayer Group mentioned it.), and they used an excerpt from this as our introduction to Centering Prayer. It was so great. This Meditation Chapel has 40 people! WHO KNEW! I think Centering Prayer is going to be a big focus for me this next year. I really want to continue to grow in it. 

Actually, I made up a series of videos on YouTube called the Centering Prayer Adventure to introduce others to the concept.

I am also focusing on getting my body in shape in 2024. I had sat too much this fall, and I can feel it! It has got to be fifteen minutes. I feel like I have gone forever. 

Yes, one minute to go. Doing 20-30 minute sits in Centering Prayer has really conditioned me to know the time of things.

Sunny day and out and about for a walk and listening to a book.


The timer goes off right ............now!!!!!!!!!!

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