"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well" (The Little Prince by de Saint-Exupéry). One woman's journey to wellness through a well-adjusted heart, well-watered soul, well-educated mind, and well-tuned body. "Love the Lord your God with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND, and with all your STRENGTH" (Mark 12:30-31).
Friday, August 25, 2023
Cold Comfort Farm
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

Friday, August 18, 2023
Friday Freewrite Fifteen
1) 2nd Half Collaborative - that is most on my mind right now because I am going to the Midwest in a week to help facilitate a retreat. All the people I facilitate with are with one of the agencies in #4.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Ulysses by James Joyce
It also helped me to look up how it connects to the Odyssey of Homer (which I have read and taught). I feel like I accomplished a great feat. Just sayin'!
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Started Wednesday but Finish Saturday Fifteen Freewrite
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by my friend, Claire, at https://www.instagram.com/verse_images_by_hand/ |
So then we thought if John and Katherine don't go with us, we can do the Burgos to Leon portion by bike because that is the Meseta of Spain and flat and closer to Malaga where the residency would be. So, I looked into bike shops, trains/buses from Madrid or Malaga to the Meseta, and it looked pretty positive. Maybe?
I asked for confirmation, and Nancy said unbeknownst to her, she was in her garden on Tuesday and right after I got the invitation to the residency and at the exact time she said:
You could not have known this but I literally sat down yesterday and was praying for you. I asked if I should call you and God said, "Just pray!”
After my Thursday night dream, I thought, "No, I don't want to do this."
Then an hour after that, Dr. Myers's office called about my adjustments before my injections, and these injections require me to stop and rest for a few days, not go and bike the Meseta.
Then I found out a few hours later that they wanted me on the 12th of October and not the 15th (like it was originally communicated). Well, my last injection is on the 13th. So that settled and confirmed it. (If that had been communicated originally, then I would have said no right away. But no matter, I loved the talk with the director. She is a lovely lady.)
When I wrote Nancy to tell her my decision, she said:
Honestly, I quickly saw you under His care and saw a question:
'What would you like to do?'It came very quickly. It was as if the yes would add stress for a season. An added adventure for sure but with added stress.
As an observer that knows you, I was hoping you would say no.
:) I RARELY have stress dreams anymore. Ever since I learned about dreams in my spiritual direction training, and I could name the theme that would often come up in most of my dreams (feeling overly responsible and people-pleasing), God healed me of a lot of anxiety. Paying attention to this dream made me hop out of bed and say, "NO!"
I also think God was giving me an inkling during one of the spiritual direction times when I led my directee through a memory of an experience of joy. I usually do it with them (and keep it to myself), and God gave me the memory of Delta giving us business class when they made a mistake with our seat assignment from London to Portland. It was such a joyful surprise, and it was also a trip where it was just the two of us, and God was saying that we needed that since our last couple trip was in 2019. We always love those times together, and since 2014, we said, "Let's do this kind of thing every other year from now on."
So, we did England in 2016, France in 2018, and the Rhine in 2019. (This was all after no vacation for "fun" since 1991 - no joke - mostly going to California to help my mom and ministry trips.) But then COVID came, and we have also had more ministry adventures and the Camino with friends. I would not trade those, but it is time to plan something as a couple.
So peaceful and able to devote myself fully to going to Chicago and praying through my new small group for the 2HC. That is really good. God is so good to direct and guide. Bye.
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
The Pandora Problem
The Pandora Problem: Facing Narcissism in Leaders & Ourselves by E. James Wilder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book took me almost two months to read!
It is such an enlightening book but was hard to get through because it is discouraging to read about the prevalence of narcissism in Christian culture, and it is a big commitment to establish a group identity and love the narcissist. It is also about narcissism in ourselves, and I found the whole concept of "enemy mode" so helpful! I think I will read that book next.
In facing narcissism in our leaders and ourselves we have come to learn six things. Perhaps we knew them all before. There is very little new about these six truths that reflect our identity as the family of God.This is a valuable book that I am reading with two wives who are married to probable narcissists. (To clarify, I am not married to one [the antitheses of one, in fact], but for years, God has been putting wives in my path who are married to them, and I think this book is helpful.) It astounds me to read the condemning emails from the pastors to one of the wives who has enabled this behavior in her husband for decades. The message: keep enabling the behavior because that is your duty as a wife.
1. We are a people.
2. We share the pain of others.
3. We exchange healthy shame messages
4. We combat self-justification.
5. We love our enemies spontaneously.
6. We build loyalty around weakness.
What we have concluded from these six truths can be summarized in two processes:
1. We raise hesed levels (a Hebrew word meaning "love and faithfulness,” “unfailing love,” “faithful love,” “steadfast love,” and “loyal love.”)
2. We lower qasheh levels (a Hebrew word "stiff-necked, hard, cruel, severe, obstinate, difficult, fierce, intense, vehement, stubborn, and rigorous of battle." This is a word for taking glory and avoiding shame.)
Our progress can be measured by one thing.
1. How we love our enemies.
All human brains come wired with the desire to be members of a joyful, peaceful, and protective people. How we love our enemies, therefore, becomes the effective focus for communities who are creating disciples of Jesus.
Born as lions we become as lambs. (p. 255)
I think anything James Wilder writes is so good for the body of Christ. I started with Renovated and then The Other-Half of Church.
P.S. In the midst of reading this, I had a difficult exchange with a friend of 40+ years, and I applied the principles of this book, despite the potential for "enemy mode," it was so beautiful how the situation turned out.
View all my reviews
Saturday, August 05, 2023
The Age of Innocence
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Tender is the Night
The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom by Shari Franke
What a brave young woman! She tells this story so beautifully and with such conviction. I could not put it down. Her mother and the brainwas...

These are all the books I get to read for my Year of Preparation for the Order of the Mustard Seed (OMS). They are not in the order I rea...
This is really more a short essay, but it is profound and important. It is one of the best things I have ever read and a pplying it will cha...
In keeping with my prayer emphasis for 2014, here is another gem of a book on prayer written by the same person who wrote The Game with Minu...