Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God

I cannot believe I forgot to log this lovely book that I read in August (it was a busy summer). Jamie is a personal friend, and he has been teaching this for YEARS. It is so nice to have it in book form so a person can pray through it and learn, from God, about their identity and acceptance in him.

SO many people struggle with their identity, and this is such a helpful book for working through that struggle. 

I have recommended it to several of my spiritual directees (see what I do at Body and Soul Companion), and they have so benefitted from it. 

I went through it in a retreat form over two days. It takes about 10 hours to pray through it. 

It is worth every second! Highly recommend.

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Day 2 Freewrite

I was going have a freewrite last night, but I fell asleep. So even though I am posting this on January 3rd, it is about January 2nd. Yester...