Thursday, January 06, 2022

Freewrite Fifteen for 2022

Happy Kings' Day 

Well, I am already doing the "Morning Pages," but I miss my fingers going across the keys and just typing away on a Freewrite for Fifteen minutes. Sometimes I will just do both, and it looks like much of the hubbub of getting back to work has subsided. I think I will take a break from leading a prayer watch when this is cycle ends at the end of February since I did it all Fall term, and I will be traveling in April and wanting to take a break in March between my Winter and Spring Classes. I think that will be good for me to not have "what will I do for my Prayer Watch" stirring around in my brain since I am already leading a Cohort, and that has taken a LOT more time this week than I imagined. I met with the four lovely women on Monday morning, and the Guides have not been sent to the Year of Preparation Candidates. So I spent an inordinate amount of time transferring the meditation over to them (because I have a PDF with the answers to the questions, and they don't need the questions. Plus when you cut and paste a pdf to a Word Processor, it gets all jumbled without spaces. Quite tedious). I know they said just "take a picture of it," but that is not going to be easy as I have written in my guide the answers to questions later on down the line. So, I think it is sort of weird that they don't just send an electronic version to everyone. It seems like that would be so much more convenient and cheaper, but they are pretty adamant about not wanting to do that. 

I also don't know why they are not letting people into the prayer watches if they are candidates. I think that was the primary thing that really helped me to feel like I was a part of this great group! So there must be a reason, and I am a bit afraid to ask, but I know I could ask S, and he would tell me straight up because that is the type of guy he is. 

I realize now that there is no way I can do more than three hours of spiritual direction in one day. So I don't know how people like BZ can see five people a day, five days a week, three weeks out of the month. I think it is because he is not a real "connect" to people type and more a passion type. I don't think I could have sixty sessions in a month. I am more a 20-25 people a month sort of girl. I have to be diligent about cutting off the time at one hour. That is my growth point for a couple of my directees.

I am also trying to be more diligent about taking time to read every day. I was good other than yesterday. I am trying to finish up a 148 episode series that I started on Thanksgiving week. It has taken me forever, and I am really excited to be done because I am cutting news out of my life this year. I would get so desolated by what is happening in the world. I will stay informed by short reading on the internet or talking to George, but I am cutting it out for the year. 

Oh, I forgot that leading a cohort has also gotten to be more work than I thought because I had to do Safeguarding Training that took 2 1/2 hours yesterday, but it was interesting (although desolating to see how clergy has taken advantage of the vulnerable). 

There is my timer. Bye!

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