Friday, October 21, 2011


Michael Crop, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

State of The Well Freewrite

Well-Tuned Body

I decided to skip Pilates today. In fact, I might skip my strength training today too. I think I need a physical rest, and Shandra didn't work that into my workout schedule. I am not sure why. I didn't take it on one of my weekend days as I usually do, and I feel it this morning. Yesterday, I spent five hours in the sun exercising. Today is overcast and gloomy. So, I think I will just give my body an opportunity to actively recover from all the exercise I have been giving it. Here are some things I have been doing for the last 30 days: This only includes my cardio and not my strength training, Pilates, swimming, and elliptical that I do at the club. So, it is much more  than this.

I feel like my back is much stronger, and my hips, gluts, hams, and quads are better. I am hoping the stabilization exercises I am doing will make it better on the surf board in two weeks. I have been working hard to avoid injury. We will see.

Well-Watered Soul

I love soaking in the Gospels lately. Jesus talked so much about the Kingdom of God. I want to explore this more in-depth. I have been enjoying our listening to (two hour interruption there! I forgot I was freewriting!) the Holy Spirit exercises and Living in a God-bathed World reading. Frank Laubach is one of my heroes really. I loaned out my Letters from a Modern Mystic. I love that book. Now, someone has it and has not given it back, and I can't remember who it was that borrowed it! I'm sad. :(

Listening to God this morning helped me realize that unless those sweet girls come to Free Lunch, there is no reason for me to go. I had other things that I needed to do really. I have some burdens on my heart for people. I need to talk to Carol Calenberg about one of them. So, I am hoping to hear from her soon.

Well-Educated Mind

I am 228 pages away from finishing my goal. I have been on this journey since August 2003. It has been such a worthwhile expedition. I will never regret it. After this, I want to read the Invitation to the Classics ones that are not on that list. I think the ITC list is a better list for true "classics," but The Well-Educated Mind gave me such a great overview of political theory and the Black History. So, I am grateful for that!

Well-Adjusted Heart 

This is good. I realize doing this Theophostic has helped me to see that I have grown since I first took the course in July of 2001. It is nice to have others doing it, and it is also nice to not have the insecurity issues that I once struggled with. I still have my moments; like when Jehovah's Witnesses sit in your living room and tell you you're an idolator, deceived by Satan, don't know the Bible, and think it is ridiculous that I would believe that Jesus is God.  Oh well.

Well, Elizabeth just called and told me one of the cute girls is there, and I am off to Free Lunch after all. :))

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Well-Educated Mind List

Haven't done the full list in ever so long.  The only book left is in large font. Thankfully, it is really interesting!

Ancients (15 out of 15)
2000 Epic of Gilgamesh/Ferry/Poetry
800 Iliad (*+ T)/ Homer/Lattimore/ Poetry
800 Odyssey(*+ T) /Homer/Lattimore/Poetry
600 Greek Lyrics/ Lattimore/Poetry
458 Agamemnon(*+ T)/ Aeschylus/Drama

450 Oedipus Rex(*+ T)/ Sophocles/Drama
441 Histories/ Herodotus/ History
431 Medea/ Euripedes/ Drama
400 Birds/ (Clouds – T) /Aristophanes/ Drama
400 Peloponnesian War(*+ )/Thucydides/ History
375 Republic(*+)/ Plato/ History
330 Poetics(+)/ Aristotle/Drama 
65 Odes of Horace/Poetry

100 Greek Lives/Roman Lives by Plutarch

Medieval Times (19 out of 19)

400 Confessions*+ T Augustine Fitzgerald Autobio 
426 City of God+ Augustine History
731 Ecclesiastical History of the English People Bede History
1000 Beowulf* Poetry

1300 Inferno*+ Poetry 
1300's Everyman Drama

1350 Sir Gawain & the Green Knight* Poetry
1386 Canterbury Tales* Chaucer Poetry
1430 The Book of Margery Kempe Autobio

1513 Prince*+ Machiavelli History
1516 Utopia* Sir Thomas More History
1564 Sonnets Shakespeare Poetry 

1580 Essays+ Montaigne Autobio
1588 Life of Teresa of Avila Autobio
1588 Doctor Faustus Marlowe Drama

1592 Richard III Shakespeare Drama
1594 Midsummer's Nights Dream* Shakespeare Drama
1600 Hamlet* Shakespeare Drama
1600 Poems* Donne Poetry (British)

Early Modern -1600-1850 (33 out of 33)

1605 Don Quixote*+ Cervantes Penguin Novel
1611 Psalms KJV Poetry
1641 Meditations+ Descartes Autobio 
1667 Paradise Lost*+ Milton Poetry
1666 Grace Abounding Bunyon Autobio 
1669 Tartuffe Moliere Drama

1679 Pilgrim's Progress* Bunyon Novel
1682 Narrative of Captivity & Restoration(T) Rowlandson Autobio
1690 True End Civil Government Locke History

1700 Way of the World Congreve Drama 
1726 Gulliver's Travels* Swift Novel 
1754 History of England, V.5 Hume History

1757 Songs of Innocence and Experience by Blake/Poetry (British)
1762 Social Contract+ Rousseau History
1773 She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith Drama
1776 Common Sense (T) Paine Dover History
1776 Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire Gibbon Wormsley(Ab) History
1777 School of Scandal Sheridan Drama
1781 Confessions* Rousseau Autobio 
1791 Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (T)
1792 Vindication of the Rights of Women+ Wollstonecraft History (British)
1798 Lyrical Ballads* Wordsworth, Cooleridge Poetry (British)
1813 Pride & Prejudice*+ Austen Novel 

1819 Odes* & Poems Keats Poetry (British)
Longfellow Poetry (American)
Tennyson Poetry (British)
Whitman Poetry (American)
1835 Democracy in America* Tocqueville History

1838 Oliver Twist Dickens Novel
1847 Jane Eyre Bronte Novel
1848 The Comunist Manifesto+ Marx&Engel History
1850 The Scarlet Letter* Hawthorne Novel

Modern History (1850 to present)

 ( 86 out of 87)
Rossetti Poetry (British)
1851 Moby-Dick/Melville/Novel
Uncle Tom's Cabin/Stowe/Novel 
1854 Walden/Thoreau/Autobio

1857 Madame Bovary* Flaubert Novel
1860 Civilization of Renaissance Burckhardt History
1861 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Jacobs Autobio
1866 Crime & Punishment Dostoyevsky Novel
1850- 1866 * Dickinson Poetry (American)
1872 Dunbar Poetry (American)
1877 Anna Karenina* Tolstoy Novel
1878 Return of the Native Hardy Novel 
1878 Sandburg Poetry (American)

1879 Doll's House Ibsen Drama
1881 Life & Times/Narrative of Frederick Douglass * T Autobio
1881 The Portrait of a Lady* James Novel 
1883 Williams Poetry (American)

1884 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn* Twain
1895 The Red Badge of Courage Crane Novel

1899 Importance of Being Earnest Wilde Drama
1901 Up From Slavery Washington Autobio
1902 Heart of Darkness* Conrad Novel
1902 Hughes Poetry (American)

1903 Souls of Black Folk DuBois History (American)
1904 Cherry Orchard Chekov Drama
1904 The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism Weber History (German)
1905 House of Mirth Wharton Novel 
1907 Auden Poetry (American)

1908 Ecce Homo Nietzsche Autobio (German)
1913 Poems* Frost Poetry (American)
1921 Queen Victoria Stachey History
1922 Larkin Poetry (British)
1924 St. Joan Shaw Drama
1925 Mein Kampf Hitler Autobio
The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald Novel
Mrs. Dolloway Woolf Novel
The Trial* Kafka Novel 
1929 An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth Gandhi Autobio
1932-1963 Sylvia Plath Poetry (American)
(1865-1939) William Butler Yeats (Irish)
Auto of Alice B. Toklas Stein Autobio
Born 1934 Mark Strand Poetry (American)
Born 1929 Adrienne Rich Poetry (American)
1935 Murder in Cathedral T.S. Eliot Drama
1937 The Road to Wigan Pier Orwell History
1938 Our Town Wilder Drama
1939 Seamus Heaney Poetry (Irish)
The New England Mind Miller History 
1940 Long Day's Journey into Night O'Neill Drama
Native Son Wright Novel
1940 Robert Pinsky Poetry (American)
1942 Stranger Camus Novel

1944 No Exit Sartre Drama
1947 A Streetcar Named Desire Williams Drama 
1948 Seven Story Mountain Merton Autobio

1949 1984 Orwell Novel 
Death of a Salesman Miller Drama
1952 Invisible Man Ellison Novel
Waiting for Godot Beckett Drama
1955 The Great Crash Galbraith History 
Surprised by Joy C.S. Lewis Autobio
1956 Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) Poetry (American) (DO NOT RECOMMEND ICK!)
1956 Seize the Day Bellow Novel
1959 The Longest Day Ryan History
1960 A Man for All Seasons Bolt Drama
1963 The Feminine Mystique Frieden History
1965 The Autobiography of + Malcolm X Autobio
1967 One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez Novel
Rosencrantz & Guildenstein Stoppard Drama
1972 If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Calvino Novel 
1973 Journal of Solitude Sarton Autobio
Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn Autobio
1974 Roll, Jordan, Roll Genovese History
1974 Equus Shaffer Drama 
1977 Born Again Colson Autobio

Song of Solomon Morrison Novel
1978 Distant Mirror Tuchman History
1978 Jan Kenyon (1947-1975) Poetry (American)
1982 Hunger of Memory Rodriguez Autobio
1985 White Noise Delillo Novel
1985 Rita Dove (1952- )Poetry (American)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein History

1988 Battle Cry of Freedom McPherson History
1989 Road from Coorain Conway Autobio

1990 Possession Byatt Novel
A Midwife's Tale Ballard Autobio
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama History

1995 All Rivers Run to the Sea Wiesel Autobio

(*ITC, +D overlap, T)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Book Left in The Well-Educated Mind: 99.3670886% Done!

I finished reading The New England Mind, and it was a LABOR! I think it took me six weeks to get through it!

 MODERN (1850 – present)
1860 Civilization of Renaissance Burckhardt (May 18, 2011)
1904 Protestant Work Ethic & Spirit of Capitalism Weber (May 5, 2011)
1938 The New England Mind: Colony to Province Miller 491 pages (October 11, 2011 at 10:12 pm)
1973 The Gulag Archipelago (only Autobiography left) 472 pages
1974 Roll, Jordan, Roll Genovese 665 pages (August 20, 2011)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (March 23, 2011)
1990 A Midwife's Tale Ballard (May 19, 2011) 
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama 339 pages (July 20, 2011)

The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom by Shari Franke

What a brave young woman! She tells this story so beautifully and with such conviction. I could not put it down. Her mother and the brainwas...