Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Freewrite on a Wednesday Morning

Fifteen minutes is ticking, and here I go. No editing. Just press the button and run.

I was sitting there ready to sit down to write on Psalm 40 for Bible Book Club, and I realized how peaceful I felt in that moment. I wanted to document it here since I haven't caught up this blog in forever. It is 13 days since my return, and I started feeling like a real human being on Day 10. I am glad that Ken Himes and Anita Huxman said that it is about 1 day for every hour time difference. That made me feel better about the Jet Lag that I have had! I always feel so bad and sluggish, and last time, I had to hit the beach running with homeschool and a new co-op with women that I didn't know and classes that were challenging and also starting American Literature. I snapped at one of the ladies at one of our meetings, and I will always feel bad about that. I don't do well when I am tired and not getting enough sleep.

So, I started taking an ibuprofen PM on Saturday night, and that has made all the difference. I had tried Nyquil to get me back on schedule, and I hate the feeling that this gives me when I wake up in the morning. The Ibuprofen PM gives me just enough sedation to sleep peacefully but to wake up alert the next morning. This helped me get back on an overnight schedule. YAY! Lesson learned for next time I do a 15 hour time change. I need to write it down because I know I will forget. Thank the Lord I didn't forget to not schedule anything with a lot of relationships for most of the month returning to the States this time after last time with my co-op. I think I scared all the ladies, and I didn't mean to in any way. Just really tired and worn out. SO GLAD we also moved our trip up from August to July too!

Well, I am peaceful. I have gotten back into the habit of walking around the block and praying in the early morning. Today, I took a wider loop and prayed for the Staubers in their new home near our house and Noha too. I like that longer loop that takes me about two times as long. The days are in the high 80's. So, it is perfect weather for shorts and a T-Shirt in the early morning!

So, this is my first official day back to work. I worked a month ahead with the BBC, and it has been nice to not have to write during jet lag. So, I need to write that down too because I know that I will probably still be writing the BBC when I got on the next overseas trip which will, Lord willing, be in 2014 when the boys are well settled in college or a job for Michael.

I am praying about my involvement in everything next year. I don't know how it will work to meet with Jennifer and Jane. I love both of them so much, but I have to really be careful with my time. I met with so many women last year, but Jane is such an encouragement to me. She is such a seeker of God in every way. Jennifer is great to meet with too because she is such a F.W.A.T. woman (Faithful, Wholehearted, Available, and Teachable)! Elizabeth will be going away in the middle of the year, and I just meet with Michelle about every three weeks or so. Then there are the occasional meetings with Shelly, Beth, Heather, Kathleen, Stacey. Lord, give me wisdom. I love all these women with all my heart, but it gets harder for me to meet in the evenings, and I really want to be available to my family.

By the way, I gained four pounds while in Southeast Asia! I thought I had lost, and I probably did in Indonesia, but those Singaporeans love to stuff us full of food! LOL! It was a joy, but I was already bout eight pounds up to begin with. So, there are 12 to shed by the time I go surfing in November. So, I started a program of getting back to exercise last Saturday that has gone swimmingly. I started the food portion of regime on Monday, and that has been GREAT too. I am using the LoseIt! App on my iPod, and it sends me daily email updates. I love that! It is really great, and I need to just keep track of everything.

Next, I need to get my BodyBugg back to working. The digital display quit on me in May 2010, and I have never gotten around to calling support to see why. Maybe today after BBC writing and piano and dial-a-book.

Well, there goes the timer. BYE! No proofreading. I will probably be embarrassed by all the typos if I reread.

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