Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Musings

I don't write here as much as I did back in 2006-2007 when I was still processing my "detox" from an unhealthy situation. Now that I have such healthy leadership and caring church family, there is not the need to process a bunch of stuff. Thus why I don't journal here as much. I should do it more though because when I started this blog is was all about what I was learning with my kids.

The year of 2006-2007 was a journey to wellness emotionally so that was the majority of my musings. It was amazing how much I was stifled and held back from emotional health because of the environment that I continued in for so many years. I knew that it was REALLY unhealthy for the last fifteen years of it too! I guess I am just an eternal optimist about things like this.

Well, there went my morning. I was planning on journaling here for a while, and E. Smith called, and we were on the phone for 1 1/2 hours.


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