One of my directees yesterday is going to be speaking on glory. After our session, I took a walk (typical of what I do to digest the time and process it with the Lord). I walked up near the "Wildrose Loop" and saw the clouds parting, giving way to the sun. I entitled it "Pathway to Glory" and sent it to my directee. There was something glorious about that sun that had just come through after the clouds parted.
It has been a good week. I have eaten too much, but I had a good talk with God about this this morning and am back on track.
My back is a little wonky too. I have not had back wonkiness since maybe last Spring when I was teaching my last classes in May. I think not wearing a lift in my shoe to church did it. That is all I can say that I possibly could have done. So strange.
We went to see Jesus Revolution at the Regal. Who knew I had an account for the Regal Club and was able to get our tickets for $5 Tuesday! It was such a beautiful movie. (See my review of the book a few days ago). I cried through the whole movie. So beautiful, and I LIVED IT! I was part of the Jesus Movement (we didn't call it a Revolution back then). My heart is warmed. I highly recommend watching it. Talked to my spiritual director today, and she knew one of the people in the movie because she was part of the beginnings of the Vineyard. So fun to hear her perspective on things.
One Way - JESUS! |
Speaking of my director, I just love her! She is a great lady. She challenged me to talk to someone about something. Usually, she does not tell me what to do, and she pretty much said at the end, "Just talk to ________." So, I will. I am really not that afraid, and I know that it will be received well. I just have a lot going on right now.
A lot going on but not too much. I just love the balance of input and output I have going on, and God just seems to give me that balance as I have asked him to do it. I was willing to make time for a couple this morning even though it would be meant two days in a row of more activity, but they canceled, and I think this was just what I needed to do. I was able to process what my director said to me rather than going on to the "next thing" with this couple. So, it is good. Now all there is left is leading Silent/Centering Prayer at 12:15 today, and I think I am going to do what I have already done with a directee from last Thursday, Friday, and twice yesterday. It is so good. I have not really meditated on this poem in a while. So soaking in it before going into Centering Prayer has been so good. So good. My director did something she had done with me before (maybe two or three years ago?), but it was great.
So I am going to go ahead and repeat what I did with this group last September. The probability is that most of them were not there for it anyway!
I just finished two books today and am looking to read a new one, but Libby app seems to not be working right now. Thus, why I am writing this Freewrite.
The rest of the week is just prepping for the Instinct class tomorrow and leading it on Saturday. So the week peeked yesterday and is going downhill now! It culminates in a dinner with the Wrobs on Saturday night since we had to cancel two weeks ago due to her sickness.
I am looking forward to it. Well, off to maybe take a little walk and do some stretching and hoping my back loosens up!