Monday, April 16, 2007

Vortex Sucking

PAIN: My shoulder is acting up again. So, I am not happy about that and am deciding this morning what to do about it. I rested all day yesterday, and it seems to be better, but I hate continuing to miss my workouts because of this thing. How should I proceed, Lord?

Peace: I am still trying to carve a way through allowing myself to hear about things and people from the past and just tuning it out because the past is part of the VORTEX that I don't want to be a part of any more. It so discourages me! It is so not a peaceful place to be! I love the people and I don't want to ignore what is in their lives, but sometimes when I see some of these people I get sucked back into some things that are just not my things anymore. They are their things because of the culture in which they choose to live. I have chosen to remove myself from it, and I see life on the outside, and I have such a different perspective. I am in a better place and have moved on with my life. I don't like how the VORTEX sucks away my peace too and makes me want to shrink back from moving forward because of my past life in the VORTEX.

All that to say that God gave me such tremendous encouragement in his Word last night as I was struggling in prayer over this issue of VORTEX sucking. I can't shrink back into it. I have to move forward even though it is sometimes sucking at my back. I must turn and run away or I will shrink back into it, and I will not keep moving ahead. I read last night in Hebrews:

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance (endurance) the race that is set before us (marked out for us). Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such hostility by sinful men, so that you would not grow weary and lose heart." (Heb.12:1-3)

It robs me of such peace and joy to let this entangle me when I have such hope and peace and joy laying before me.

So, I will not be one of those who shrinks back (Hebrews 10:38). The VORTEX will not get me. I will resist the enemy behind the VORTEX, strong in my faith. I will not be afraid. I will destroy speculation and every lofty thought raised against the knowledge of God and hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10). I will forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead and press on toward the upward call (Phil). I will remember that you have set before me an open door that no one can shut (Rev. 3:8).

The VORTEX is strong, but You, my God, are stronger and more powerful than any VORTEX, and you will protect me from it. I submit myself to you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I am Well

I can't believe it has been nine days since I have blogged on this blog!

Things are going very well. I am enjoying a time of great peace on all sides. I guess that is all I have to say today. :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

On Fear and Faith

Is there a theme or something going on? God is knocking on the door of my heart. Where do I go and what do I do with this?

"Heavenly Father, thank you that you have placed no restrictions on my access to you except that I would believe you. Thank you for father Abraham and the pattern of faith he established. Thank you that through his faith, your blessings have come to me. Increase my faith, O Lord. May you search me out when you need a faithful servant to accomplish a task for you on earth! Amen" p.144 Holman New Testament Commentary: Romans.

This is the desire of my heart Lord. I know that I have shrunk back in the past, and there is no excuse.

I just have so many things in my head. Help me to separate the precious from the worthless.

So much . . .Bible book and book clubs . . . inner life growth . . .leading . . .SHAPE . . .discipleship central.

There is so much. I am excited, but the good can be the enemy of the best.

The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom by Shari Franke

What a brave young woman! She tells this story so beautifully and with such conviction. I could not put it down. Her mother and the brainwas...