We started up the year yesterday, and it has been painless. We read a great book called
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightening that is gorgeously illustrated! We are reading a more boring biography in the Abeka series, but it still gives more details about his early life.
Paul is doing multiplication and Michael is doing adding and subtracting of fractions, and it hasn't been too bad. Patience is high. Love is strong. We are flying
On my own Well-Educated Mind Quest, I am reading
Heart of Darkness and doing the questions for
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and
Red Badge of Courage. Maybe I should post my answers from here on out. That would be fun. I am also reading
My Own Two Feet, a autobiography of Beverly Cleary that is light. I needed light after heavy books like
Portrait of a Lady,
Red Badge of Courage,
and the current Heart of Darkness!!!!! Michelle asked me to start another book club and NOT read classics, and I said I couldn't handle another book club unless it would dovetail with what I am already doing with the classics. I love meeting with other women though. It sharpens me!
I wish I knew how to post pictures to this blog. :(. I will have to read up.
Paul is in the Performance Hall of his last song on Piano Discovery. If he finishes "Heart and Soul," he will have earned the right to buy his own Nintendo.