Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday Evening Examen

I ask you to be with me. I am entering into your presence, God!

Two or Three Things from Today that I am grateful for:

1) Getting new glasses! My last ones fell in the lake five minutes before I broke my leg. It is so nice to go to an office with such lovely and joyful people too.
2) Delivering for Dial a Book and also getting errands done in the process.
3) An evening of calm and study.

Morning - Not rushed. Pretty calm. I slept in until 6:45. Must be fighting something for me to sleep so long, but I had plenty of time to soak in Belovedness verses. That was so life-giving. "Do not fear" of Isaiah 43. I am precious in your sight. You are with me. You make a way through the sea. Again the admonition "do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold I will do something new." LIFE-GIVING moments with God. 

Then Valentina and Peter came to clean. Yes, I can clean now since I am not homeschooling anymore, but they have become like family. So, it is always LIFE-GIVING to have them come. 

Mid Morning - New glasses. I can read small print again. LIFE-GIVING! Dial a Book is always LIFE-GIVING for me. I made a mistake and delivered the wrong bag to K, but it was nice to see him rather than just pick up his books at the door. I had to wait a long time for someone to come and help me with more cinnamon sticks at the grocery store, but it didn't bother me. I love non-hurry kinds of days. 

Noon - Picked up lunch for my sweet young man who is working full time. I came back and ate my lunch with him. 

Afternoon - Watched some of the impeachment hearings. DEADENING! Walked and listened to A Gentleman in Moscow. Did some more belovedness scriptures. Texted with Nan, Karina, Brittany, Missional Community, and George. Read a bit of Falling Upward. I danced in my living room. 

Evening - Had some centering prayer time and talking with God about many things by candlelight. Worked on Type 8 Enneagram Study Sheet for 2 hours. Did class attendance and graded a paper. Now I am winding down to sleep.

Regret - Anxiety about M still not having a job. I wish there was something I could do to help. I release it to you.

Most Meaningful - The fact that I have finally moved on from the trial of last month. I really, really know that I have turned a corner. 

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