Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Freewrite

I think this library wi-fi is faster than our home wi-fi. I think it is time to maybe see if there might be something wrong. I thought it was my computer, but it is pretty fast right now at the Hillsboro Library.

I rode up with George this morning because we are going to our class tonight that starts at 6:30. We will go on a date for lunch in about 1 1/2 hours. I took a walk around Dawson Creek and then went into a study room for preparing for the Boise Cohort in March. Now, the main library is open, and I am sitting comfortably next to a big window overlooking the duck pond. It is an ideal place. 

I just have a few more questions to answer for my Type 8 Study Sheet. So, I plan on doing a lot of reading today. I think I will also review some movies/series on this blog. Or not. I am tired. It ended up being a somewhat full weekend.

I am reading A Gentleman in Moscow. It is a fictional look at the changes that were the result of the Bolshevik Revolution. I am up to the 30s and the changes that Stalin made to everything. Idealism turned sinister. I wonder what Stalin's Enneagram Type was. 

I am looking forward to more time with George. We are talking about some big changes for him. I am open to whatever. I would not mind having him home more. He said that we need to battle together rather than apart (not battle each other - outside things). I love that man. Praying for God's perfect plan.

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