Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday Thirteen Freewrite

I want to get to class early today because my room will be cold, and I want to turn on that really loud heater to warm it up for my 30 students!

There is no rain today so I will ride my bike to class. Yesterday was a little bit more sedentary than I would have liked, but that was because I had a back check and realignment with Dr. Myers, and I didn't want to do anything too strenuous. 

Self-Preservation/Preserving Instinct is not very strong in me. So it is so life-giving when I do things to bring it out of my blind-spot and into my full vision. That was why yesterday was so good. 

I usually put things off that have to do with convenience for me. But I had a banner morning. I went to see Dr. Myers. There was no presenting problem with my back, but I had the appointment because I make place holders in case there is a problem. I often cancel them, but this time I went in. He was able to do deeper tissue work with me, and boy did he find a trigger point that I did not feel! He did acupuncture, and it was better. He also worked out the kinks in the leg of my fractured tibia. I can go down the stairs so much more easily now!  Something was off, and he worked it into alignment. 

After this, I went to see Dr. Flannery. I had my check-up last week, and he had concerns about a couple of spots on my teeth. In the meantime, my tooth cracked. So, he took care of the cracked tooth and the two spots in about 30 minutes. So glad I did not have anything for the rest of the day. 

Before Dr. Flannery, I had taken a short prayer walk because an area we have prayed in for years is right nearby. While walking back to his office, I walked by Dr. Baer's office and realized that I needed to reorder my glasses because my other ones were lost in the lake about five minutes before I fractured my tibia. The new year means a new set. It was funny because they could not find my file so I went to Dr. Flannery's while they looked. When I came back, they realized they were looking for Big Carol's file and not mine (Little Carol on the OSU basketball team). LOL! Anywho, I got new glasses ordered. 

It may not seem like a big deal to some, but things like that always get put on the back burner. So I took care of three things in three hours. It is great because when I asked how I could show love for the next day during my Examen the night before, God said to show love to myself. That can sound so selfish. Did I really hear him right? Then when I got out of my doctor's appointment, I saw this on the wall:

I knew that was what I needed to do. Often, what is life-giving to me is loving to myself, but I am always thinking about how I can help other people so this is why I love to write. Even posting the picture above generated discussion that was good. I love to pass it on. I don't think I am doing it to get love in return like an unhealthy Two might do. I love authentic community so there is a high that happens when I connect with people going through the same things or have something to add to the conversation about loving yourself and being gentle with yourself. 

Today, I get to go to Pilates. I think it is time for a Disney Day on this overcast and gloomy day. It might be too early, but I observed them, and they seemed to be doing well with the exercises. So, I am going to go for it with them.

Timer is going off. 

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