Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday Freewrite FLYING


Yippee! I do think I have moved past the latest "turbulence"! 

Yesterday in Boise, in the early morning time with God, I had a moment. I heard the words from above, crisp as the cold and snowy morning I was observing from Debbie's window. 

THEN, eleven hours later, we hit major turbulence in our descent down through the clouds on the way back to Portland. I asked the flight attendant if that was common, and she said it was much worse on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Then she waxed philosophical, "But isn't that an analogy for life? Sometimes, we face major turbulence that tries to throw us off our intended destination, and we just need to keep on flying forward. It is just a little turbulence." 

I told her, "That is pretty much what I heard God say to me during my prayer time this morning."

It was a God moment. 

When I told George about this, he said, "You have continually had people say things that spoke truth unbeknownst to them of the turbulence you had just experienced." I think of Dania's card within a couple of hours of the turbulence that hit that contradicted. I think of running into a former Pilates student who told me how much she appreciated something about me that the turbulence maker had twisted into a negative. I kissed Sue's hand when she said it. God knew I needed to hear it. 

But all that said, I needed to hear God say it to me, not just people who knew me well. 

And I have heard him so many times. And guess what: I BELIEVE him. 

The Examen prayer that George and I did in the car on the way up to his work today brought more clarity to things for both of us. For him in his job situation, and me with this latest turbulence. I have things that I can work on, but I am flying straight through the turbulence to the ASCENT of the upward call. It would be silly for me to not continue flying for then I would crash. 

Not that I am perfect, but I PRESS ON (I fly forward) that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me. One thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I PRESS ON (I fly free and forward) toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:12-13)

The SHAME clouds of my life are clearing, and it is a glorious day above. Reaching up I see and touch the finger of God from a house dug deeply into a firm foundation. 

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