Sunday, January 05, 2020

Sunday Freewrite

I am going to write for fifteen today.

I didn't have enough time this morning to do a freewrite. So I am going to do it before I go to sleep.

Yesterday was so fun. I had a spiritual direction time in the morning. I had forgotten to send something to her to start off our time together, and I didn't realize that until we started our time. She did not know what she was doing. I have no idea what happened. I remember sending it, but I must have sent it to the wrong place. OH WELL.

Then, George and I went on a walk and Jeni called to set up our time with M. Then I came and finished updating my Exercises for Everyone Guidebook. I am so happy with how this turned out. YAY!

Then, they picked me up, and we went to Bazaar for lunch and talked and talked. M loves deep conversation, and we had it. Then, we went to the Corvallis Arts Center, and I took them on a tour of the library because JENI had never been there and did not even know where it was. We laughed so much. I also ran into Sue, Kathy, and Laura. Sue said what I needed to hear about the truth about me, and she knows NOTHING about what I have been through. It was such a compliment that contradicted the lies. I kissed her hand and thanked her. It just seems like God keeps dropping truth in my lap, uninvited! It keeps happening. I know some awesome people. 

Then, they dropped me off and Katherine invited us over for tea, but I told her they were already gone. But I realized I left my labneh in Jeni's car. She came back about 45 minutes later to drop it off. So, I asked if M wanted to go to Katherine's. Initially, she said no, and they left. Then there was a knock on my door, and M wanted to go. 

We were only going to be at Katherine's for an hour, but we ended up staying almost three. We got into a really deep talk about relationships. When I took M home, I asked her how she felt about it. She said, "Remember how I told you at lunch how much I love to talk about deep things? This was deep, and I loved it!" So yay! I learned some things from the conversation. 

I went to bed so happy and tired!

Then, Sunday we went to a baby shower for Michelle! It was so good to see her, and she looks so great. Then we stopped at George's cousin's house to drop off some special family things. We visited with them for 1 1/2 hours, and it was SO GREAT! Again, they know nothing about what I have been through, but it was just so affirming to have a lovely conversation with them. What a nice bunch of people!

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