Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday Thirteen Freewrite

Setting my timer for 13 minutes starting now. 

I am still in the "Baptism and Belovedness" week of the Exercises. It has been a deep soak in my Belovedness that I have extended since I am a bit ahead of schedule. (One of the people I am encouraging is still at the Two Standards meditation. The other is about a week behind me. The other is just starting. The last is giving up because she is traveling so much.)

This morning was a soak in Romans 8. That and Ephesians 1 and John 15 and Psalm 27 are my favorite chapters. The main message of Romans 8 is that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, that we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us, that God causes all things to work together for good because I am predestined, called, justified, and glorified. Lastly, nothing will separate us from the LOVE of God in Christ Jesus.

I got a lot of condemnation. Even if it were true (which it was not - but that took me about a month to REALLY believe it was not true), it is no basis for condemnation. That is not the voice of truth that tells me that I am loved, forgiven, justified by the blood, walking in the Spirit. All that. I believe. I truly do believe. Regardless of whether the condemnation was true or not, that fact is still there. There really is nothing that I can do. I can pray according to the Spirit. That is what I have been doing, and it has been so great. I love that my house is empty almost every night so I can light a candle and pray (and sometimes worship dance) like I start my day before anyone is up. Last night was so lovely. I love soaking, bathing in him. 

Today, I ride my bike to class (probably in the rain again). I will roll with balls in the first class and do ball cueing. In the second class, we will do both balls and rollers and do a quick, perhaps Latin rhythms, class. Then I ride my bike to meet with Wendy for lunch. That is my "love" thing for today. To love Wendy at lunch. 

Then I will love Karina and welcome her to Corvallis. Then I will ride home (probably in the rain) and get my heart and home ready for the invasion of many Millenials at 7 pm. I will also see my GEORGE! If only for the evening because he goes back up on Friday (because his new boss took away him working at home on Fridays). 

I have three minutes left on my thirteen-minute timer. I love going in to work. We have a new administrator (well he has been there a year). He is a Spirit-filled Type Nine Peacemaker, and I really like him. I love that I see Amanda and Melinda and Nikki and Kaitlyn most mornings. I love my job. I am still a bit sore from adding Nikki's weight lifting class in on Tuesday and adding bands to the Pilates routine. I am getting back to the shape I was in before I broke my leg. Now I want to lose the 10 pounds I gained while lying in bed and eating yummy meals brought to me. I lost five before I went to Europe and gained that five back after the trip and Christmas. I did really well yesterday, but I have not been really good at recording. 

George is safely in Hillsboro, and I am safely in God's hands. I really and truly feel like I have moved on from this latest hit. 


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