Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Freewrite Fifteen on a Wednesday Morning

I am happy this morning. 

After two weeks of being cooped up inside with terrible grass allergies, my hubby took the whole family to the beach over the 4th of July, and it was great to walk on the beach without grass pollen. We walked together every morning, and then George would go out with the boys (not boys anymore but they will always be my "boys" even though they are 24 and 27 now) for about an hour in the mid-morning, and I would stay in the room and stretch and read! Later in the day we would do something together as a family. Usually walking on the beach again. So I got a LOT of walking in! (Back totally CLICKED back in after Emiko's massage making it go out on the right hip. I was looking at whale boats with the binos, and I rotated my upper body while sitting in the chair and heard a loud CLICK! YAY!)

I read so many books over the holiday. It was great, and if you want to know what books I read, just look at the slew of book reviews that I did yesterday! It was so fun. 

We also saw the fourth of July fireworks over the Newport Bay. They came from all sides and were lovely with the reflection over the water making it so beautiful. We stood at the beach underneath the bridge, and the crowd was festive and kind.  Many had little bonfires which added to the beauty. We were able to walk there from our hotel room and did not have to struggle to find a parking spot. It was only a mile walk over the top and through the lighthouse park. It was so great.

So, we have been back and went to a party for Jesse on Saturday night. We were only going to stay an hour but got stopped by Jesse on the way to the car to talk and then by Corey. So we ended up staying another 1 1/2 hours. OH WELL. We got up early the next morning and made scones and went to Kirsty and Corey's for the Women's World Cup Final with the USA winning! YAY!

Then we came back and went to church. Mike spoke on Spiderman in the Spiderverse and our destiny. It was great. Had a long talk with Phil and Jan after the service. Love them. Then we came back and got ready (or George did) for the wonderful Iszlers to come over for a couple of hours for dinner. 

On Monday, I ran to the hospital to see Madina's new baby boy, but they would not let me in because I am not family. I gave the blue hydrangeas to Abbas, and she is even texting me now as I type to say thank you for them. Then, I came back and went for a hike with Nuha to Chip Ross Park. Then I read some more the rest of the day and worked on another cupboard (I don't recall which one). 

Tuesday was more reading and I cleaned out the entire pantry, and I caught up on this blog for my book reviews. I also met with Fran for Spiritual Direction because she had been gone in France for a while, and I wanted to process about my friend, Shan, dying. I had worked through it and for some reason, it was just easier to process it by getting out of the house and going to the beach. Whenever I get out of town, I usually am able to do a "reset" of my soul. It has always been that way with me, and I am glad that we were able to get away to the beach for three nights and four days. 

Yesterday, was great though. I know there was more that I did. I feel like I didn't do anything but when I was reviewing my day with George, and I realized that I did! Peter is cleaning our house right now, and he does not realize that I am doing a freewrite, and he is talking away and asking how George is doing and Valentina is yelling from the back room that I need to move to where George is. (He works 90 miles north during the week, and we just don't like the hustle and bustle of the big city of Hillsboro!)  So I am typing and talking at the same time.

Today is a bigger day. Valentina and Peter are cleaning the house. I already rode my bike to the Credit Union because I did not have enough money. I listened to My Dog Tulip as I rode. CI also downloaded Cranford.  Before that I had my time with God (Bonhoeffer Day 18 was on "cheap grace"). Then I straightened up the house which was already pretty clean because when they are all gone from the house it is easy to clean up because I am the only one making a mess. Then, I learned French. HAHAHAHAHA. I am playing the Library BINGO Summer challenge, and one of the things is to learn an online MANGO language. I was only going to do one lesson and ended up doing FIVE. I think this would have really helped me from last time we were in France! But we will go back!

Anywho, the rest of the day will be:

  • Dial-A-Book Volunteering at the library
  • Bringing back library books I read at the coast and getting all the new things on hold.
  • Go to the Bookmobile at the Aquatic Center (for my BINGO)
  • Go inside the Aquatic Center (for BINGO and to ask if I can use my 15 year old cards there)
  • Pick up New Glasses at Dr. Baer's
  • Get hair done at Rachel's!

Thursday will be: 
  • Subbing at G3 8-9
  • Walk with Nuha on campus at 10:45
  • Weights 12pm
  • Make Dessert
  • Missional Community at 7 pm.

Friday GEORGE IS HOME and working from home
Nessa's party at night
And it looks like the weekend will be free now that Madina is postponing her party. :) 

(I went over because Peter kicked me out of my kitchen desk, and he kept talking to me while I was typing so I figured going over was acceptable and IT IS MY FREEWRITE, and I will type as long as I want to!) 

I also want to set up an online calendar system for people booking Spiritual Direction appointments with me. I have NO IDEA how to do that, but it will be fun to learn.

You know. As I read this (yes, I read it over because it is good to review but typically you are not supposed to reread your freewrites), I realize that I have purposely kept this summer very light because God said to "soak in the rays of my love" over and over in the spring. It was a very FULL and busy year last year with spiritual direction training, TAC and OSU Pilates, etc. I find myself feeling guilty but am reminded that there are seasons where we can just rest. I am still spending time with my M friends, but not as much as usual. I feel like my days are ordered though. I am not just sitting around and eating bon bons, and it is really nice to work on my home that has not had the closets and drawers fully cleaned out for maybe four years? So this is very good. I am grateful that George's job affords me the opportunity to not have to work full time (although during the school year I work about 30 hours a week with my two Pilates jobs, my international job, and spiritual direction). I am just very grateful to God for this. I think a season of rest can be really appropriate, and Fran, my spiritual director, really concurred with me on this. I will have a FULL FALL with regular spiritual direction (I think I have five people, and I am only required to have two) and directing people through the Spiritual Exercises. So it will be good to rest a bit even though I am subbing periodically to stay in shape.

Well, now I am REALLY going to end this Freewrite. Madina and Mindy both texted me about the baby shower on Sunday and Peter and Valentina kept on talking to me! LOL!

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Day 2 Freewrite

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