Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Freewrite Fifteen at 7:30 on a Wednesday Morning

Alexa just said, "Fifteen minutes, starting now." So I am going. I woke up at 4:30 and did not get to sleep until 1:30, so I will have to take a nap this afternoon. After four nights of sleeping really well and on my back, I was more uncomfortable last night and will stretching my hamstrings on my right leg, my back spasmed. So it was a more uncomfortable night last night, and I was concerned about getting up to go to the bathroom. A simple thing about getting up and going to the bathroom is a lot more complicated when you have a big immobilizing brace on your entire left leg. So I laid in bed with a full bladder this morning doing stretches and trigger point on my psoas muscle before I got up, and my back was good. I am even sitting upright here. 

I texted George 13 times and called him five time to find out where my muscle relaxants were last night, but he did not answer. I have to get used to just bothering Paul. He did end up going around the house looking for the bottle (I take them VERY infrequently, but in involves me having to get food in my stomach, and it was already 12:30 at night at that time, so I had not eaten for several hours. Going to get food is hard when you cannot go get food. So I bothered Paul, and he came through. He has been so kind, and he is so like his dad. I true Gentle Giant at 6' 8 1/2" inches tall. While I want him to get a job in his field since he graduated in June, it has been a providential thing that he has NOT gotten a job and is able to be here with me while George works up in Hillsboro.) He found the pills after some searching and he also got a heat wrap for me to put on my back while I slept. I slept a solid 3 hours and would he slept longer had I not had liquid in me from taking the medication and have to get up. I was afraid to sit down on the toilet, but my back did fine sitting down. 

Then I was able to have a Centering Prayer time concentrating on God being "Life and Peace." My whole back relaxed (I think some of it is I have guarded that back for my whole life, and I don't realize that I am tensing), and I was flooded. Then I meditated in the app. That was so lovely in Jeremiah this morning. So it was a good morning. 

That right leg and glutes are holding out OK, but can they hold out for eight weeks? I am praying healing over this top of the tibia and fracture into the bone. I have an x-ray tomorrow to determine whether I can bend my knee and start physical therapy. I am sure this will help me with everything if I can do that. 

I just had one moment this morning where Paul was not up, and I needed to get some liquid in me and I spilled my drink on the floor and almost slipped with my crutches, and I got frustrated. 

Surprisingly, I am not frustrated with God. He told me to "Soak in the rays of my love" for the summer. That was the mandate, and I was doing that and being project oriented around the house being the first summer is ages where I have had NO ministry obligations. I have definitely been connecting with my international friends, and we do have missional community every other week, but that is not a big thing. I loved that ebb and flow of time with God, intercession for the neighbors, clearing out a cupboard, drawer, or closet, taking walks, riding my bike and weightlifting, and resting. Some of that is not an option now, but much of it I can do!

I cannot believe it has been fifteen minutes, but there you go. 

God is good. I really believe this with all my heart. I also want to say KUDOS to my friends and mostly Suburban people who have brought me meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. What a blessing! 

Also, did I freewrite about the big surprise party for my sixtieth? George had Pastini's and Pals (about 50-60) at the Chintimiti Senior Center come and celebrate with me. Anne came from Colorado, and Elizabeth came from Flagstaff! Wow! That was so great. They stayed for Saturday and Sunday night at our house too. Grateful. 

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Day 2 Freewrite

I was going have a freewrite last night, but I fell asleep. So even though I am posting this on January 3rd, it is about January 2nd. Yester...