Tuesday, July 16, 2019

57. Holy Invitations: Exploring Spiritual Direction

788416 I have read numerous books on spiritual direction and each has at least one quote from this excellent book. This is a thorough look at this lovely practice that I have been a recipient of and practiced. (I probably did it for 30 years without knowing I was doing it.)

I love her style and the topics that she covers in-depth. The training program that I was going to join in both 2008 and 2012 (but didn't have peace and discovered that God had other plans both times) had this as its primary text, and the director of that program, Sister Joan, swears by it (I have seen it marked up and dog-eared on her bookshelf). I knew it was one that I would read eventually. Since I was done with all my required readings for my "Protestant" certification in Spiritual Direction, I plunged right in. I wish it were part of our reading for certification because I think it is the best one that I have read, and some of the ones that we have read are a little too "ethereal" and not very practical. This one is practical and solid. 

Although it took me forever to get to and a long time to finish once I started, it was well worth the wait. I might read it with other spiritual directors when doing continuing education. It is that good. 

2023 Update:

I am so glad that I blog my reactions to things! There is one book that most direction programs have in it, and I reread it for a Spiritual Direction Training that I am helping with, and I couldn't remember if I liked this one better or not. I DEFINITELY LIKE THIS ONE BETTER, but I needed to remember. Yes, that "other" one is very ethereal and not super practical. I don't know why it is so popular in most programs. This one wins! 

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