Friday, June 07, 2019

Lightworks Two/3:3 (Exodus 20:1-20) FREEWRITE FIFTEEN

Here I go. I have not been freewriting about this 18th annotation of the Spiritual Exercises. I am really enjoying it. Today, I meditated on the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20. I did it in The Message. How many times have I read the 10 Commandments and never really clued into this at the end?

Moses spoke to the people: 
"Don't be afraid. God has come to test you and
 instill a deep and reverent awe within you 
so that you won't sin." (Exodus 20:20)

So, all the other versions say to "the fear of God" instead of "deep and reverent awe within you," but the Message really captures the essence of the "fear of God" in this context. 

So Anywho, YES YES YES YES YES! It is so my DRUM TO TAP about sin. When we have this deep and reverent awe of God - it is not about dos and don'ts but about NOT WANTING TO SIN. You are filled up to his fullness and you see his goodness and who would want to turn away from THAT! 

It all happened when I was meditating on 2 Peter in Anderson House in the late 80s. God just SPOKE: 

…seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. (2 Peter 1:3-4) 

At that point I was doing a lot of "striving against sin" rather than just seeking to have a TRUE knowledge of God (Epignosis which is a personal, intimate knowledge). It is so subtle, but what Moses said is true. Thanks Moses.

I just love Tetlow's version of the 18th Annotation. So beautiful and simple, and little poems and little writings that set my soul to seek him more deeply in the true knowledge kind of way. YAY! (That rhymed.)

Last night was fab. I love our little Missional Community. We have only had ONE time where all 10 of us have been together, but it is a good group. We decided we should be called the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTERS because B woke up singing that song in her head. M also said in his sleep, "Catholics can hear God," which is something that came out of nowhere for him, and he did not know he said it!  I have been saying this for a LONG time. Those people are our brothers and sisters! 

Anywho, today is FRIDAY FUN DAY. I finished my classes yesterday! I finished all my reading for next years' Spiritual Direction training on Wednesday. We finished the last big ministry event of the year last Saturday. We just have Paul's graduation next Saturday. I am trying desperately to keep my summer fairly free. Last summer was too much for half of it. I am needing to lose 5-10 pounds I gained while having allergies and fixing this psoas. That takes me being able to focus. I always eat more when I am on medication. UGH! 

Anywho, it has been 15 minutes. BYE! 

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