Sunday, June 23, 2019

27. Choosing Christ in the World: Directing the Spiritual Exercises According to Annotation 18 and 19

This is a wonderfully thought out gem of a guide to the Spiritual Exercises. It has pages that a spiritual director would photocopy and give to a directee. I also like the "Lightworks" Section which is an 11 week 18th Annotation journey through the Exercises that I did after I was done with the 19th Annotation. His insights are simple and lovely. 

I have been writing quotes on this blog from the Lightworks part over the past weeks. 

I found it quoted in other things about the Exercises so I ordered it even though it was quite expensive, but when you think about the fact that a director has authorization to copy directee pages and the "brief notes" for their directees, I can see why it is so expensive. After I ordered it, my spiritual director gave me his copy though. So I didn't have to spend the money on it after all. 

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