Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday Twelve Minute Freewrite

George is clamoring around in the kitchen right now. So I thought I would come into my little cave in my spiritual direction room to have some freewrite time. 

I am to the Suscipe (soo-chi-pay) of the Spiritual Exercises today:
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O Lord, I return it. All is Thine, dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and Thy grace, for this is sufficient for me.[2]
I am playing a song I found on YouTube for this. I cannot believe I am at the end of the third time through the 19th Annotation! I just love this. I thought this morning how nice it would be to rejoin the SEEL PDX next year as a director. Now that they have all come to appreciate doing Zoom. They might be open to me doing my direction from Corvallis and not require me to come up to Portland two times a month to meet with my directee. So I will dream.

I am at the end of my Boise Cohort. I will not miss the extra time involved in travel that has made my commitment twice as long as everyone else in the group. I do like the group, and hopefully, we can meet by Zoom in the future. 

I met with my directee for the Spiritual Exercises yesterday, and I was so encouraged by that person's growth. That person is seeing the benefit of spending regular time in prayer. It is life-changing. 

I also got to meet with Fran yesterday for the first time since early December! She is ready to meet again. I am so glad. I caught her up with my grieving process since December 23, and she was so wise and helpful for me. I am coping well. I am very grateful that I have helpers in my life to listen along the journey. 

She was really encouraging about this next season being one of creative output. I am really hoping for that. I know I finished writing the Exercises manual last year this time, but I would like to do a big rewrite. 

Today, I will introduce rolling with a tennis ball in the Pilates class and a faster-paced Latin rhythms routine. I do miss interacting with my students. It is so weird, but that is the nature of what we are doing these days. With this I am content. 

I am almost at my twelve minutes. Last night, we had the Type Two panel. I was hoping to be a full member of the panel, but it was just me "chiming" in. I was a little disappointed to not have a "full-voice," but it is no matter. I can handle a little disappointment. 

Off to face my day!

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