Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Freewrite Fifteen - Examen Prayer

Grateful for . . . 
1) Walk - Going now a newer path and finding myself in one of my favorite fields that I usually do not go to in the winter because it is too mushy. It was perfect and green and lovely. It was a God moment, and I thought "Oh this is going to be my biggest blessing of the day!" It was just filled with an awareness of his presence.
2) Pilates in the sunshine - I changed my Pilates II class to outside on the deck at the very last minute. I loved it.
3) Amaryllis blooming right before my eyes!

Where did you notice where God has been?

Getting up - calm and not rushed. I meditated on the concept of awareness. Examen prayer has made me more aware!

Morning - Did a minor bit of editing of my Exercises for Everyone. Then I did attendance and correcting of papers because I kept putting it off. It was quick! So I got a book review in and more editing. Got ready for my classes and then taught my two class. One on the deck. I did a medium speed 50s, 60s, 70s class, and static stretching. The other was a relaxation slow class.

Midday - Lunch and walked in the sunshine, listening to my book that is due on Saturday.

Afternoon - Editing of Exercises for Everyone. Did an Examen on Taken, Blessed, Broken, Forgiven as I edited the Last Supper week. Made up a Facebook page for the PUMP party.

Evening - Ate early so I wouldn't overeat. I did better today, but I had a lot of chocolate. :( Continued to edit and watched the news and two shows. 

End of the Day - I was tired even though I was not done. That was good because if I am close to finishing something, I usually keep going. GROWTH! 

Regret - eating too much chocolate! 

Most meaningful - Experiencing his presence in the green field on my walk. 

Love for today - pray on the first day of Ramadan for friends around the world. 

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