Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Tuesday Twelve Freewrite

I have not done a freewrite for many days. So, I decided to do one! The person who first introduced me to Freewrites is Julie Bogart, creator of Bravewriter.com. It is an online writing school. She is the bomb, and now she is being interviewed by people all over the country because everyone is having to homeschool their children, and she is an expert on the subject and has even written a book about homeschooling. So thank you to my friend, Julie Bogart, for teaching me about freewriting which is just setting a timer and writing (or typing) away without any thought about grammar or spelling. I did it with both my kids and they are excellent writers today. 

So, what is on my mind today. Well, the sun is coming up. So I am so glad that this is a shorter 12-minute freewrite because they are usually 15. I want to go and catch the sun. It is going to be a mostly sunny day today. I plan on going for walks. I do have two classes to teach today, but I spent about five hours already getting a nice YouTube playlist ready for them to review the fundamentals of the Pilates exercises that I taught in the first week of class. So I should be good to just give them the link when they come into the Zoom room and send them on their way to do their exercises. I made it 47 minutes, and I trust that they will be doing it in the 50 minutes they have for class. That 47 minutes includes the obnoxious ads that come on YouTube while you are watching. I remember when there were no advertisements on YouTube, but that is no matter. Actually, some of the ads are really interesting to me. Sometimes they are not. I was going to share the screen and have them do it off of my Zoom room, but my ads were about old lady skin products. I think they would rather see ads for them which are probably geared toward their interests. 

In the news, the world is seeing the global pandemic play itself out, but Jesus is King, and we are feeling the sorrow of the cross this Holy Week and the sorrow of the world's suffering because of this pandemic. It is timely that we would be meditating on Jesus' journey to the cross when others are so suffering. My heart. My heart. 

On the bright side of things, I love having George home. We take walks during one of his breaks and his lunchtime. We talk so much, and it is so much better than texting to be with him. I love being with him every night, and that has not happened for 7 years. So there is a silver lining for many things. It has also been so nice to see people who love deeply by making masks (our group has made over 1000) and helping hospital workers and first responders. I love that we are seeing this unity throughout the world. It is so heart-warming for me.

Today, I will make edits in my book, Exercises for Everyone. It is my manual for the Spiritual Exercises. If you want a copy, email me. It is free. 

I have one minute and ten seconds which is good because I need to go for a walk! So, since I don't have much left. I will say good-bye right now! 

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