Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Freewrite

The moist heat full back heating pad I have been using for ten years quit working today. 

Let us pause for a moment of silence.

I do think it has a lifetime guarantee. So I must find the box it came in. I had it until recently. I hope I did not throw it away!

I have two classes today. On Tuesday, my internet went out two minutes before I was to start my class. Everything was set up. I had Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 1 all cued up on my phone and connected to my Bluetooth Bose speaker. I had my mat out and my computer on the floor. ACK! They could not hear me very well on my phone which I cannot quite figure out. Maybe it was still connected to my RayCon Earbuds? I don't know, but George got it going, and I started class 10 minutes late. 

I gave them too pretty hard classes. I did kneeling sidekicks with my advanced students. I also surveyed them for what equipment they have. I am sad because I love teaching Fitball/Stability Ball classes at least two times for Pilates one. Sometimes I do it three times. I also do Bender Balls one time for Pilates I and two times for Pilates 2. I have to get creative about what I will do with my students now since they are limited. I plan on teaching "Reformer on the Mat with my Pilates Two students, but the online continuing education course is not until May 22. So I will only have four classes after that to teach this class. BUMMER. I am thinking about having them do one of Michelle's classes for variety. I could give it to them through the share screen and Faculty Staff Fitness. SIGH. 

I am almost done with the editing of my Exercises for Everyone manual of the Spiritual Exercises. I wanted to go through the book on my own to see how it flowed, and I am making a major overhaul. I am on Passion week (Week 27). I decided to include links to Pray as You Go meditations if the Scriptures in the Exercises match the ones on their site. I downloaded them and put them in DropBox. That will be a nice alternative for them if they are doing meditation. 

This morning I did the meditation on the woman who touched Jesus' robe. I decided to add it to my manual because I want more of Jesus' interaction with women. It was pretty powerful.

So, I just want to say that I will be done with my certification for spiritual direction in only 8 days and 8 hours! I am excited to have this done. Also, the final draft of our Type 5 paper was sent out, and the Type 8 paper has been done for weeks. So, I have just the Type 5 and 8 panels and two more cohort meetings: Conducting a Typing Interview, Professional Applications.

It is great to have my CECs for Power Pilates all done through the online classes (or online with Marie). I wonder if I will be able to look back and reference them. That will be really important to me because the other online classes I have done give me unlimited access to look at them again for reference. That is the advantage of those over a live class with Marie. I love Marie though. I hope she is not hurt that I will do the class with the New York people instead of her. It would just be much easier and cheaper!

Today's agenda will be:

1) Attendance and correcting of early Cognitive Learning Assignments CHECK
2) Teach Rolling techniques and Disney day to Pilates I CHECK - changed to 50s,50s,70s, and static stretching instead.
3) Teach a MELLOW slow and flow class to Pilates II CHECK
5) Finish up editing for Weeks 27-33 for Exercises for Everyone
6) Take a cardio walk (maybe Glen Eden with George?)
7) Listen to audiobook due on Saturday at 2pm
8) Pray at sunset for the beginning of Ramadan

9) Do not overeat! (SNACKING in AFTERNOON NOT ALLOWED!) 
10) Pray about PUMP. 

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