Friday, November 08, 2019

Enneagram Type FIVE Wings and Connecting Points

I have to do a write up for the class that I am missing next week. For some reason, the template my instructor sent me makes it so that my spell check in Word does not work (really a bummer because the total document for two different types is almost 20 pages). So, I got this brainy idea to put it in here so I don't have to hunt for the misspelled words. Since it is here, I thought I would share what I learned about the Type FIVE wings and connecting points yesterday. My son is a Type FIVE, and I have such a special place in my heart for FIVES! Enjoy! 

TYPE FIVE WINGS: “Hey FOUR and SIX, Please, Won’t You Be My Neighbor So We Can Fly?”[1]

Wagner believes the type is nuanced by the paradigms on either side either to expand the world of adaptive options or add to the repertoire of not-so-resourceful reactions.  Riso and Hudson give descriptions of wings in the healthy and average range which parallel Wagner’s complimentary/distorting lenses. 

Complimentary Lens of Style FOUR: Thoughts become more connected to feelings. Can be a better balance between the detached observing attitude with a passionate interest and involvement in life. Relationships are important and replace theoretical interests. Can tap into creative capacities and rational, analytic abilities. Find ways to express themselves through art instead of secreting themselves in silence (Wagner, p. 367-368).

The Five with a Four-Wing: The Iconoclast (I do not like this name. Most would not know what it means.)

Healthy – They are more emotional than Five with Six-sing. They are not scientifically oriented and often creative loners, mixing passion and detachment. They can be whimsical and inventive. They are often drawn to the arts and use imagination more than the analytic, systematic parts of their minds.  This wing type is a combination of curiosity and perceptiveness that desires to express a unique, personal vision (Riso and Hudson, p. 212).

Distorting Lens of Style FOUR: Can accentuate inner sense of being different and misunderstood. Instead of connecting with the world, can pull back further to observe, becoming more aloof, moody, and depressed, aggravating weak sense of self adequacy. Retreating into fantasies instead of interacting with real people and problems, can use symbolism and artistic expression as a shield between authentic self and others, performing in place of truly engaging (Wagner, p.368).

Average – Can struggle with intense feelings that create difficulties in sustaining efforts and in working with others. More independent and resist having structures imposed. Interests are toward the surreal and fantastic rather than the rational or the romantic and can easily get lost in their own cerebral landscape. Have difficulty staying grounded and can become impractical (Riso and Hudson, p. 213).

Complementary Lens of Style SIX: Further able to commit themselves to people and causes. Can take a position and fight for it. Tend to be undercommitted and under loyal, but with SIX foster faith in and fidelity to themselves and others. SIXES feel safe in groups and FIVES feel threatened by groups and feel safer alone. SIX helps connect with others in a team spirit, virtue of courage animates FIVES to step assertively into the world (Wagner. p.368).

The Five with a Six-Wing: The Problem-Solver

Healthy – Have ability to draw meaningful conclusions from facts and to make predictions. Seek a niche that will provide security and that fits into a larger context. Often drawn to technical subjects. Can be cooperative, disciplined, and persistent and are more interested in practical matters than the Five with a Four-Wing.  Many can combine innovation with business savvy (Riso and Hudson, p. 213).

Distorting Lens of Style SIX: FIVES mistrust others, further encouraging their tendency to remain on the sidelines. Their anger manifests in hidden suspicious thinking instead of getting expressed in healthy assertive behavior. FIVES with a fearful wing lose faith in and doubt themselves even more. Hesitations about getting involved gets compounded by the SIXES indecision and fear of upsetting authority. Get more concerned about what others think of them, tend to be more reticent instead of telling it like it is or speaking up for themselves (Wagner, p. 369).

Average – Most purely intellectual of all. Interested in theories, technology, and acquiring facts and details. Analysts and catalogers of the environment who enjoy dissecting the components of a problem to discover how it works. Extremely restrained and private about feelings, and attention is more toward things than people; but they do identify strongly with key people in their lives. Not particularly introspective and prefer to observe and understand the world around them. Can be more argumentative and defensive in their views with the other wing (Riso and Hudson, p. 213). 



FIVE DISINTEGRATES TO SEVEN: They cope with stress by becoming narrower in their focus and by retreating into the sanctuary of their thoughts. When this does not allay their anxiety, they may go to the Seven, reacting against their isolation by impulsively doing activities. They become restless and agitated and their minds speed up and feel compelled to distract themselves from the growing fears. They may act out by searching for stimulation and experience (movies, drinking, drugs, sexual escapades). Under extreme stress, Fives defend against their anxieties by becoming aggressive and insensitive in pursuit of whatever they feel they want at the time (Riso and Hudson, p. 226-227).

Distorting Lens of Style SEVEN: FIVES move further into their heads, intellectualizing, systematizing, and spiritualizing even more to avoid taking any action. They steer clear of pain and suffering as the SEVEN paradigm recommends. They let their fear of being hurt stop them from being assertive and moving out into the world. Then, they experience their powerlessness, fall back, and become immobilized. May give up on ability to analyze and probe deeply and distract with superficial diversions. Pursue many interests simultaneously without completing any one of them (Wagner, p. 362).

Correcting Lens of  Style SEVEN: In stress, FIVE can utilize the high side of Seven and move towards others.  They can draw upon their own and SEVENS‘ humorous light style to facilitate their engaging others and being more friendly and sociable. They can use their humor to break the ice and interact. The SEVEN approach helps FIVES be more spontaneous and playful and this can take the edge off of their social encounters.  Saying things in a humorous or witty fashion may also help them be more confrontive an assertive as they challenge others. SEVENS‘ view of the planet as being a world of opportunities, complements the FIVES‘ perspective that the world is out to deny them or deprive them (Wagner, p. 363-364).


FIVE INTEGRATES TO THE EIGHT: Fives actualize themselves and remain healthy by learning to reclaim their physical presence and instinctual energy in the manner of a Healthy Eight. They come out of their head and into deeper felt contact with their vitality and physicality. With this, they become more fully into their worlds and apply their knowledge and skill to immediate practical problems. By joining the real world, they harness their mental abilities and expertise strategically and constructively like a high-functioning Eight (Riso and Hudson, p. 230).

Correcting Lens of  Style EIGHT: Eight style helps FIVES get in touch with their own personal power. They can adopt the EIGHTS‘ self image of  “I am powerful; I can do,“ they believe they can influence and change the situation. They do have something to offer. As they associate to their inner authority, they stand up for and proclaim what they believe in. They are in touch with their instinctual energy. Emotions, thoughts, and physical energy all work in harmony and flow into effective action in the world. They apply their knowledge rather than keeping it in their head. FIVES are able to protect and enlarge others rather than fearing them and holding back or retreating from people.  They are able to move against (8) in addition to moving away from (5). They can own their assertive powers and reach out instead of pulling back. They can say what they want and what they don’t want. They can ask for what they need and throw out what they don’t need. They can use their power and strength to establish and maintain stronger boundaries, setting limits instead of yielding their territory. They stay in the ring and don’t jump out a the first sign of pain or opposition. They are no longer afraid to be seen and heard. Allowing themselves to be transparent, they come out in the open instead of staying concealed. The believe they have something to say and they want people to hear them. So they climb up on their soapbox instead of hiding underneath it (Wagner, 365-366).

Distorting Lens of Style EIGHT: Can become aggressive instead of assertive. They can become mean and cruel and use their power to grasp, hold onto, and remain stingy instead of being magnanimous and generous. Might be bullies at home while being mild-mannered in public. May exaggerate their independence and become more self sufficient, isolated, and anti-social.  With help from paranoid SIX neighbors, may believe others are out to take advantage and make fools of them. Become wary and hypervigilant (Wagner, p. 366).

[1] [1] Nine Lenses on the World by Wagner and The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson.

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