Sunday, August 23, 2020



  • The Reign of Christ has begun, and we are its current members and administrators.
  • What distinguishes us as members is that we live notably loving lives.
  • Mature prayer requires and deepens mature knowledge and understanding.
  • We have the power to forgive others, growing more true to ourselves each time.
  • The Church is made up of sinful people like ourselves, whom we are invited to forgive and to love.
  • Our belief about the Mass remains firm: we re-present Jesus' death and resurrection. 
GRACE I ASK FOR: for gratitude that I have all the gifts I need for a holy and joy-filled life in Christ now, and in heaven. 


Anyone in charge of anything sees himself or herself as serving the others...Jesus presumed that mature people do not feel jealous about others' intimacy, or resent quiet sharing...When we Christians act out of genuine love for one another, the Reign of God is actually coming to be. This Reign is not a human monarchy or a holy democracy. It is a communion. And all of us make up the current administration. (WOW, isn't that the wonder of it all?)


As we mature in prayer, we need also to mature in what we know. ...What should you read? The first principle is simple: read what nourishes your prayer. The second principle is the mirror image of that: nourish your prayer by reading even about politics, the economy, and social issues...The final principle, you already know: begin with the Bible - and you don't have to finish anything. 


Hearing nuns' confessions was like being stoned to death with popcorn...We no longer march crowds of holy innocents through the confessional...And if we need a deeper shaping of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are at least taking it more seriously...But we also need renewal, because we still need reconciliation...Sacrament of Reconciliation. Acknowledging our sins and sinfulness takes us to confession. Accepting penance and absolution is being "reconciled to God." (Another area where I part ways with the Catholic church, but I do agree with the next point.)...The Sacrament of Reconciliation has little to do with norms and rules. Rather, it has to do with relationship. It has to do with the font and wellspring of the Good News: love of God, of neighbor, and of self. 

Luke 7:36-40; 44-48 Sinful Woman Bathes Jesus' Feet

Keep in Mind: says to apply it to myself (different from the condemnation from this recent training that evangelicals are always "applying" which was portrayed as something negative - hogwash). 

Jesus points out that deep repentance, great love, and forgiveness go together in faith...My response to this contemplation; Thankyou for forgiving me much. I love you so much. Psalm 40:1-3.

Reflecting on how unloved I felt during this training in the prior week. It was about interrogation rather than loving questions that drew me out. 

Matthew 18:15-22 If a Member of the Church Sins Against You


We forgive not once or twice but many, many times...forgiving, again and again, makes us forgiving persons, like the god of mercy who does not hold our offenses against us...We also have the power to help those who need forgiveness...Jesus urged "going and having it out with him between yourselves" (Matt. 18:15)... Jesus used His power to forgive with compassionate understanding. He forgave the woman taken in adultery and very mildly "correct" her - "go, and sin no more" (John 8:1)...Would a God who cares infinitely about each brother and sister of Jesus look down on some cherished soul who needs help and not grace someone else with the gift to offer the help?

During the week: Ask yourself where you are in your spiritual growth, noting the signs of maturity that God has gifted you with.

My thought for the Day: Point out the fault when alone. I think that was the issue when I read the book White Fragility. She would confront these people in her workshops and shame and humiliate them, and then called it fragility. I just saw her as more a very heady person who has trouble with empathy. She even humiliated someone who she was a coworker in this fight against racism. In that case, I would confront the coworker privately rather than humiliate them in front of the people they were presenting to. I did a private talk with the leader of this Ignatian retreat. That was the best course of action. While he listened, he has a blind spot in the way he comes across to people, and I might be the first person who pointed that out. I hope that someday he reflects more deeply on it. In the midst of it, there was forgiveness. I have not resentment just reflection on the time there. 

"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." - Nelson Mandela.


Holding on to resentment binds me. I want to be unbound from...I have no resentment towards anyone. I went to this man privately. He apologized. No resentment. 

For me, forgiving others means I will live out my life by ...Not being resentful toward those who have wronged me or hurt me. 

The community of the Church, helps me forgive by ...Giving clear teaching about forgiveness. 

Forgiving is ongoing. In the past, I have forgiven some people and now pray and hope for grow in greater self-awareness about themselves. 

When I think honestly about it, I might need to ask forgiveness from...Noone at this point in time. 

Repetition Day of Matthew 18

"You were meant to house the fullness of God." 

During this week: As you reflect on your spiritual growth, note the signs of maturing in your relationships and how your spiritual insight is helping you appreciate them. 

Notice in scripture: Jesus instructs us to act according to humane psychology. He gives us an astonishing power to bind on earth and in heaven (what exactly does that mean?). And tells how that, in His likeness, we will forgive many, many times. 

My Thought for the Day: I have fully forgiven B and M. 70x7 is a lot of times. 

Proverbs 6:1-5 Fly like a bird from the Trapper. 

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. - Mother Theresa

1 Cor 11:23-32 Communion


Our cultural lust for pleasure contravenes sacrifice...And in New Testament times, we have thought - quite erroneously - of Jesus' death as an offering that humanity makes to appease the Father's wrath at our sins. (I am not sure if that is the thought in New Testament times. It is not humanity making it. It is all God's plan and idea. I don't know if people think that HUMANITY is making that offering.) 

The main Christian meaning of Christ's sacrifice turns that around. It is Christ's giving of himself for love of us. To the Christians in Philippi, St. Paul explained that the Son "poured himself out" and took on our nature. And in our nature, he accepted being dealt with like the most vulnerable of all humans: a worthless slave. God made himself vulnerable for us - and to us...The reconciliation, therefore, is God's initiative, not ours. (I think that is pretty clear for most people that it is God's initiative.) "It is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins" (1 John 4:10) The precise sacrifice we are celebrating is the Father's and the Spirit's giving up the Son, sending him down among us to make us know God's love for us. (Well yes, why do you think that people erroneously think otherwise?) 

Scripture: we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Examine yourself. 

MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Examine yourself (Thus why I love doing the Examen every day, but it made me wonder why he did not answer my question about the Examen. Oh well. Got so many blank and non-compassionate stares during the week. Such a weird experience all the way around. So glad I was at one of my happiest places on earth.) 


The Eucharist is gift of the Son of God. I show my gratitude by..Examining myself..being prepared. 


MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I have gifts for a joy-filled life in Christ now and in heaven. I will call you affectionately to remembrance. 

Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration

There are times in life when you feel radiant...You may not enter as totally into the Presence as Jesus did, because he had a sinless self-concentration and you have not. But you may well have had the consolation of being totally absorbed in God for a while, forgetful of self. You may have glowed, even if no one else was watching (YES!)

When you leave your prayer, you are likely to find the world in the same chaotic state as it was before you started praying. (You can say that again!) 

Jesus told his disciples they would "shine like the sun in the kingdom of the Father (Matt. 13:43). St. John Chrysostom brought that to the disciples of his day. He asked why those alive in Christ could not see that they shine like the sun even while they walk through everyday life. (Dr. Myers said yesterday, "You are always so happy.") 


About your prayer: Again practice going into the Presence, as Jesus did it (That is why I am doing Centering Prayer with a group twice a week and by myself on the other days.)

During this week: you might ponder which habits you have reviewed that make you feel radiant, and which tend to make you feel a little shady. Deepen the former and deep-six the latter! (I love that!)

Jesus' face shone like the sun. "Get up and do not be afraid." When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone. (That is the cry of a Type Two - to live for an audience of ONE.) 

MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Arise and do not be afraid - Closeted confident Carol needs to come out!


When I hear the Father say, "This is my son" I feel ... beloved myself. Wanting to hear JESUS alone above the cacophony of voices. 

For me, listening to Jesus means...pausing and hearing what he wants me to hear (not what others want me to hear).

When I hear Jesus say, "do not be afraid" I feel he is talking with me about what tests my faith, such as...the men "in charge." The people who know more than me. Even the women some times. (I am constantly learning.) 

I experienced astonishment and humility as the Lord revealed to me...that I am his beloved and am wanted and loved. That Closeted Confident Carol needs to come out and not be afraid any longer. 

There really are times when I feel all alight and alive, like ... when George and I together with M and B was our most life-giving time of the day. I love that it is the same for both of us. When I am praying in your presence. 

After these weeks of prayer, the light I am bringing to my world includes..listening to Millenials. Hearing their hearts.


During this week: At week's end, you might list the habits you'd like to keep and those you'd rather shift. 

Notice in the scripture: What was it like for the silent James or John? What did Jesus look like when He was shining brightly. (Just as I read this a ray of sun hit my desk, and I turned around to it on a dishwashing detergent bottle top shining so brightly - it was a God moment.) 

Clothes became dazzling white. LISTEN TO HIM! DO NOT BE AFRAID. 

My Thought for the Day: I will look at your bright and shining face and listen to you today and not be afraid. 

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