Friday, August 21, 2020

29. Sodom and Gomorrah by Marcel Proust

 Sodom and Gomorrah: Remembrance of Things Past - Volume 4

This was a slog! My goodness! I have tried to read this since its purchase in February, but other books replaced it. So, this week, I forced myself to finish with few distractions. It was easier to get through this way. It is a bunch of people that are really hung up on the "right" people and status in society, sprinkled with looking for love in all the wrong places, and the author's discovery of the world of homosexuality. I am more than halfway through the whole thing. Whew! Slow and steady wins the race. 

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...