Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday Morning Examen

Examen Podcast with Father James Martin - Be easy with yourself and remember God. 

Grateful for . . . 
1) George being home. I still cannot get over him not having to leave at 6 am and not seeing him again until Thursday or Friday night.
2) Marco Polos from Anne and Elizabeth.
3) Praying for the world.
4) Giving to a good thing. Reveling and the growth of a woman I have known since she was a newborn.

Morning - Calm and early morning (3am). Time in John 15. Seek God for the City. Pray as You Go. John 15 and Week 27 of the Spiritual Exercises. Messaging back and forth with H to tell her how I love her and seeing her do a  wonderful thing. Walk and prayer for the World. Read Critical Journey

Middle - Hospital walk with George during his lunchtime. I am really trying to take a vacation day as this is my Spring Break, and I was supposed to be at the coast with Michelle. 

Afternoon - More reading. Watched news. Worked on my Coronavirus spread calendar. I talked to Teala, Anne, and Elizabeth on Marco Polo. 

Evening - Town Hall with the President. Critical Journey reading. Sleep. 

Most meaningful - the interaction with H. That was sweet. 

Help me to see you in the next day. 

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