Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Freewrite Fifteen

I have been up since 6 am, but my 9-12 Supervision for Spiritual Directors Group was canceled this morning. I would have been on the road up to Mt. Angel by now. So I have been puttering in sort of a good way. I had a good time in the story of Joseph with Pray as You Go (they certainly jump around all over the place with their Scripture reading), but I have not gotten to my time in the Exercise or an Examen time. I have also been reading Interior Castle by Teresa of Avila. I am amazed at how much easier to read this is than I thought! I just finished the Sixth Mansion and am about two chapters into the Seventh Mansion, and that is the Contemplative in Action part that I love so much! So I am intrigued and not able to stop, but it is cool because she just talked about how the Seventh Mansion (Contemplative in Action) part is like the fusion of Mary and Martha, and I just contemplated that in the Exercises this week! I love that they went together. Later today, I have a phone conversation who will be teaching the Instincts in her cohort at the end of March. That is all I have on my "plate" today that is official. 

Since my thing got canceled (due to the Coronavirus), I have until 2 pm with a free day. So, I will work on the corrections to my Type 8 Study Sheet (even though Dale's corrections were SO OVER my head that it hurts), finish Interior Castle and prepare for leading my Renovare Book Club on this book this next week (but I might postpone this until the peak of the crisis is over), read Proust (I love this audiobook, and it was worth it to get this - it was free with the Audible free trial, but I might just go a couple of months with audible to get the last two books since they are SUPER expensive if you buy the audiobooks as a stand-alone and NO libraries have the complete audiobooks), and read The Critical Journey

I know this containment strategy is stressful for everyone, but I will use it to be home and read books. I will walk every day (my vacation starts today, by the way) since I have social distance from everyone.

Yesterday's most deadening thing was finding out that Michael decided to not continue with the Amazon delivery job after three weeks. His boss was really nice about it, but he wanted Michael to "speed up" because Amazon had impossible quotas (we had seen this in the Amazon documentary on Frontline). Michael just felt like that was unrealistic and unsafe. So he decided to take a job with the US Census instead. It is only until July, but we approve since Amazon really has unrealistic expectations of their employees. I was still sad it did not work out. It was one year ago that the owner of his company died of a heart attack. When they restructured in June, he was out of a job.

Another thing that is not necessarily stressful but will be interesting is that I need to teach my Pilates classes remotely for spring term. KK tells me I just set my iPhone up in my living room and teach my class, but I just do not know how that will go. I might make up tutorial videos where I teach each move individually. How will I know if they are doing the moves? I cannot observe them to make sure they are doing them safely and correctly? so it is not stressful or deadening just uncertain. 

The last deadening thing is that I am one degree of separation from the latest victim of the Coronavirus. He had cancer and was not expected to live very long, but he contracted it, and it killed him quickly.  Sobering. 

Last deadening that got me a little hot and bothered is that George's work is NOT sending their people home to work remotely even though one of the elementary schools (with people in his office having children who go there) has cases of the virus! Insane. (They are meeting at 11am to discuss it though.)

What was life-giving yesterday?  

  • My students - I only had 11 out of 30 in my first class and 4 out of 17 for my second one. I know that most who did not come to the first one were people who all had As in the class. Only two that didn't come were borderline between an A and an A- so their grade dropped. So it was probably that combined with many other classes on campus were canceled. I loved the smaller groups, and Pilates I voted for MELLOW and slow. I love mellow and slow because it works your core more because you are so conscious of your mind/body connection. I also love the people who came. The second class voted for FAST, but I liked the variety. I had a great term. Very great term. LOVE teaching there. 
  • Time with God. I meditated on spiritual blindness in the morning and physical blindness after work. I love the Exercises. 
My timer when off a while ago. So I better go. :) 

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