Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Tuesday Ten Freewrite

I am doing a Tuesday Ten. Usually, I write for fifteen, but I have ten minutes before I get ready to go to class. It was supposed to be overcast today, but the sun is shining right now. So I want to go early to class to take advantage of that.

I have been really low-stress lately. I feel like getting ready for this Integrating Your Instincts Class has been a good reminder to be integrating all of them in my daily life and allow dominant ones to support the weaker ones and visa-versa. So yay.

I had a good day with Sister Joan. I had not seen her since January 20. So we met for 2 1/2 hours! She didn't want to stop. I kept saying, "Don't you need to go to lunch?" But we did get to talking about me doing Spiritual Direction Supervision after my training in Boise is complete. A group of about 8-10 meet the second Friday of the month, eight times a year for ongoing supervision. She gave me all the articles for the March meeting, and I might go. It would have been so much simpler to have taken her class way back when, but I think the Boise one has been perfect for me. I never would have met all the wonderful people in my cohort, and my wonderful cohort leaders, Sandy and Marty. So I am grateful to be in that. On top of all that, the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae is getting to see Debbie every other month! So, it really is a win-win. There is also something about me getting out of town every sixty days that has been really good. It always resets me.

My directee yesterday (yes 2.5 hours with Sister Joan receiving direction and 1.25 hours giving it), and she had never considered a private retreat away from the home. I think this has been one of the best nurturing thing I have done over the last 40 years. When was the first retreat I took. I remember I would take a retreat on Sundays of my Senior year in college and go to the basement of McNary dorm (or the other one that was the women's dorm - was it Callahan?) and spend time with God and not do homework. I wonder when the first travel away and have an overnight retreat. I definitely starting doing mini-retreats in the summer of 1980 (so it has been 40 years - probably started with the Navigators in the Fall of 1979 because they were BIG on TAWG time and days of prayer). That was such a pivotal time for me spiritually. My sorority sisters said that something had changed in me after that summer. I lived at the Rustenbach's by myself. It was so great. I spent so much time with God and alone. I found the road back to me and the LORD. Self-awareness is God-awareness according to Calvin and Teresa of Avila.

I must read some more of that book. I also got the Type 8 study sheet back from Jules already! WOW! I don't think it is due until May. She is a fire-cracker and so responsible! YAY!

Well, that was 10 minutes. Time to eat breakfast and get ready to get out the door. 

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