Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday Freewrite

Mr. Freewrite, 

We have got to stop meeting like this! This has been so good for me to write almost every day. I had gotten out of the habit. It is easier to do it here. I suppose I could do it in my word processor, and I did that while I was writing the Exercises for Everyone manual last year. Lauren Graham said that she does this when she gets stuck. She does a freewrite (although she does not call it that) when she is in the middle of writing just to keep writing. Somehow clearing her head of the task writing she is doing with a freewrite clears her head so she can proceed. I still think it is so cool the Loralei Gilmore is a novelist. :) 

Yesterday was grand, George and I watched the sunrise as we drove to Hillsboro. I got a study room and got many little tasks done. On the way, I was able to process something with George, but it also brought something else up that had a lot of emotion behind it, and we processed that together. I love how George is never intimidated by my emotions. By the time we got to Hillsboro, just the verbalization made us both able to know how to proceed. 

He brought me Persian food at lunch, and we ate out on the patio of the Hillsboro Library and took a walk afterward. I went back to my little study room and read the Spiritual Direction Supervision articles for my supervision group that will meet in Mt. Angel on Friday. This is the third Friday of each month with Sister Joan. I don't know if I will go every month (especially in the rainy winter months), but it is a "come when you can" group," and I like that.

After work, we drove to Downtown Portland for our Type 4 panel. Before that, we ate a Persian Picnic with the leftovers of our lunch. Portland State University has a nice park right behind our meeting room. The sun was so gorgeous and air so crisp.

The panels, again, were top notch. I really love this group of people, and I love my cohort of strong and lovely women. I am working with Jules on the Type 8 Study Sheet. She is Type 1 and had lots of suggestions and corrections and reformating, but asked if I was bothered by that, and I said, "Absolutely not. I love it." I am doing the Type 5 Study Sheet with Maureen. She was on the Type 4 panel last night and so lovely. I sent her my notes for our sheet, and she said, let's use all of it, and I will add things on working with Type 5 and on death and dying (she was a hospice social worker before she retired this year). Working with each of them is so different but delightful. I love how God uniquely made each and every one of us. 

It was a delightful day. 

This morning, my contemplation was in Mary and Martha with a cross-reference to Psalm 27:4. ONE THING is needful. I love God's presence. I live to be in His presence while loving and living on this earth. That is the essence of it. Simple.

Oh, when I was working in the study room yesterday, I was able to get half of my talk on leadership for the team I will be speaking to on April 19th. It came together so effortlessly, and I love these self-imposed "workdays" I have every other Monday all day at the study rooms of the Hillsboro Library. It is almost better that I am not at home because I can be so much more focused without distractions. I need to ponder this. I love going up there to be with George, and it works out because of our Enneagram Panels, but that will be over in May. I just need to think through where I might be able to do that. I love the time with George in the car, but I don't like that he has to take me back to Corvallis. In the summer, I could stay up in Newberg, but I really only need ONE day to go into the library with him. I don't need a whole week. It worked when I was finishing up my writing of the Bible Book Club Blog, but now I don't know if I need that intense work time, especially if I will be developing a website this summer.

Must think that all through. BUT,  for now, I must get dressed and get to my class. I am just doing a simple band class with both of them. I just did not have the energy to make up a new routine today. I am so looking forward to coming home after weight lifting and having a home day since I really have not settled here since I left home for Boise at 1:30 last Thursday! Home sweet home!

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