Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday Sixteen Minute Freewrite

Here we go! 

I have not written for a whole week. I guess I was pretty full on in study mode for my Enneagram cohort. I was also full on talking with Paul regularly about his future and employment and life. I loved it. I was not feeling super well, so I canceled two of the things that I was supposed to do on Thursday that involved heavy people contact because I knew that Friday morning would be heavily people intense, and I think that was a very good call. 

It sort of overlapped to talk to Paul because we also talked about his Enneagram Five tendency to go into his little researching world. He is so bright and intelligent and loves learning new things. I love that about him. He has been diligent to apply for jobs but is getting no bites. We talked about how to network, which I believe is one of his weaknesses. He has potential to be a great leader. That is what I am encouraging in him. I am so proud of how well he did in college and even in his student job. I wish he could have gone on to develop that student job into a full time career job because it was so perfect for him: creating web content for professors, requiring him to learn so much about each subject he created content for! Perfect for my Type 5 Researcher with a Type 4 artistic type wing. So, I am still praying for something like that to come up in his life. It is a faith journey for me!

I had an interesting interaction in my cohort yesterday. We discussed the Instinctual variants, and the way my cohort leader described it, I seem more like an "Intimate/One-on-one" type than a "Social/Group" type. I have always said that "Social" does not mean you are a not one-on-one type. I have always said I am more "relational" than "social." So I am still pondering that in my head. I have taken instinctual variant tests, and the Riso/Hudson one came up as pretty strongly Social actually. Intimate came in as second, but I am pretty sure it was a distant second, and when I took the class on this, when the Intimate people would ask questions, I definitely thought, "Oh I am definitely not that!" So I am just going to hold it out there. I suppose it does not matter, really. I am who I am. I also think I am pretty balanced in these three areas. I joke about self-preservation being my lowest one, but I am pretty responsible with self-preservation kinds of things, but I also outsource it to George (cooking) and Valentina and Pieter (cleaning), but I do money well. I do maintain the home well, but I don't know how to do handy work. So I want to get better at calling people who are good at this. Regardless, I think I am pretty balanced with them, and I also think I am a pretty darn healthy Type Two! I read some of the characteristics of Type Two, and I say, "I have never in my LIFE done that because that is so unhealthy to do!" So, I also like Riso/Hudson because they have a stack from unhealthy to healthy, and I was in the medium range until my break with my old church, but that experience SO changed my life for the better. It was my "wake up" call about my Type Two tendencies that it propelled me into a whole new life of peace and contentment and depth and healthier relationships. So, I would say I have been in a pretty healthy range now for probably 13 years and getting healthier every single day! I love that! 

So Riso/Hudson gives me hope where I feel like this current book does not really give many avenues for hope in growth. It says "This is the 'correcting lens' of this type," but it gives you no roadmap for change. I feel like I have been given a great roadmap for change through Riso/Hudson and through Ignatian spirituality.

That is sixteen minutes. Off to study for my class now! (Or maybe read C.S. Lewis?)


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