Friday, January 27, 2017

Prayerful Review of Wednesday and Thursday Week 4

What made me feel most alive and in tune with God's plan:
  • Moving my body in Pilates (cannot believe I get paid to workout)
  • Riding my bike to work in the sunshine and crisp winter air
  • Walk with Kim (soulmate who knows me)
  • Time with Paul on the way to and from the oral surgeon
  • Delivering books to shut-ins
  • Time in Genesis
  • Writing my prayer letter (finally)
  • Contact with our prayer warriors who responded
  • Reconciliation and love with a sister in Jesus and having two of my "go to girls" show up there and know that they pray for me!
  • Following God's lead to walk to Calvary and pray only to run into Jennifer and have her invite me to their noon prayer time!
  • Going to pray for internationals at Suburban and seeing 20 people there, mostly college students - seeing our new pastor's wife had already invited a woman from Chile over to their house for dinner. The new college pastor, and his interest in reaching out to internationals! That is an answer to prayer!
  • Rest after two really busy days!

    What made me feel most dead and not in tune with God's plan:
    • Still devastated by sin of a member of the body.
    Ways to show my love for God and others this week:

    Follow up from last commitment:

    Pray and fast starting Wednesday night for Thursday morning meeting (may be tough conversation - not tough at all! So reassuring and nothing but love!

    Continued commitment to love:
    Friday midday mosque visit (this probably will not be tough but want to show love to our Muslim neighbors). Be a listener. Should I bake bread, Lord?
    Gifts God has given not already covered in feeling alive:

    Corporate and individual prayer continues to be the most life-giving thing to me.

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