Saturday, December 27, 2014

Friday Freewrite Fifteen

I woke up very early this morning, and I have been meditating in Matthew 3-6 for the last two hours, and it has been so good for my soul.

It has been a wonderful life. 

I only say this because I am in the midst of a cancer scare. Four suspicious spots on my skin. I went through a lovely Christmas day and wondered, "Will this be my last?"  I walked in the glorious sunshine and said, "If it is, I submit to Your will, Lord. It has been nothing but a beautiful life that I am so grateful for."  

The next day gave me time to think and grieve a bit. Not that it is cancer, but I will not know until after January 5th the result of the two biopsies. Then I have to wait until January 29th for the other two biopsies. Then I have to wait for the results of those. I think it is not dying that is often hard, but it is the waiting to know. 

So, I had to sort through the waiting yesterday, and I woke up this morning and dove into the Word. It has given me peace in the waiting. "Do not trouble yourself about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34).  So I won't know for a while, but I will live each day as I have in the past; drawing closer to my Maker, who I just may meet sooner rather than later. :)

Actually, I feel like we have met. I think I am knowing Him more and more. This is only because He has given me this hunger to know Him. Thank You!

Well, I have seven more minutes, but I think I am done. There is great peace in the waiting. No use worrying about tomorrow because, you know, tomorrow never comes!

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