Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Cloud of Unknowing (Carmen Acevedo Butcher Translation)

Finished: March 23

I saw this book was free for audible members. I grabbed it. I had the pleasure of taking a class from Butcher that covered The Cloud of Unknowing and The Practice of the Presence of God. I read The Cloud with the Renovare Book Club several years ago. Here is the review from 2019.

I loved her translation. It is so beautiful and had a new appreciation for this book that sent me on a journey of Centering Prayer. I talk a bit about that journey on YouTube and talk about The Cloud (and reference the woman who wrote about her struggle with this book): 

Writing this review reminds me that I want to get Carmen's book on The Practice of the Presence of God!

It is not the same as having her live, as she was so accessible to talk to and answer questions, but it was lovely. I really liked it! 

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